Virtual Meeting through Live Stream
April 27, 2021 - 7:00 PM
You can watch the entire board meeting on CASD's YouTube
Fisher - Asked for a moment of silence for James "Soup" Walker who passed away recently. He was a dedication custodian for 25 years at the intermediate school. He took immense pride in his job, school and district, always helping whoever needed it. Prayers to the family.
PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS (Comments on agenda items) Members of the public wishing to make a comment during a remote (virtual) Board meeting are asked to submit their comments in writing to this email address: State your name, address, and township of residence.

First Place: Communicating cross country; the key to understanding the importance of v-mail in World War 2 – Julia Mattson & Dylan Misuraca (12th graders)
Second Place: Navajo Code Talkers - Ethan Newitt, Michayla Newitt (9th and 11th graders)
Third Place: Benjamin Franklin and the Early Development of the United States Postal Service - Seth Haak, Michael Harris, Logan Schott, Neven Zurcher (9th grade students at CAIHS)
In the individual category:
Third Place: Songs and Spirituals of Freedom: Secret Music of the American Slave - Ainsley McFarland (11th grade)
Good luck at the State Competition!

Hanna - Read the statement from the district on the recent racial incident. Statement can be found here. The incident is being investigated fully. We will learn from this and get through this together as a community.
to in-person learning - Welcomed back 75% of students for last 7
weeks. 8-12 on an A/B schedule. Average attendance overall for
in-person and virtual is 76%. Special ed is 78% and ELL is 73%.
Schools are following up with families.
Highlighted teachers and students at each of the schools in the district.
- Partnering with Chester County Hospital to provide vaccinations for
students 16 and older. May 26 & June 16 for Pfizer vaccine.
- Anticipated funding for our district is $13.9 million. 20% will
support learning loss. These funds cannot finance tax cuts or go toward
- Met with seniors. They love their teachers, staff, community,
diversity and feel prepared for the challenges of the future. Hopeful
that we can address the perception that this district is less than.
Looking for us to address the issues of mental health during this time.
Preliminary Budget Presentation - Mr. Hanna & Lori Diefenderfer <Full Presentation>
Reviewed the budget slides as previously shown. A tax increase of 3.9% continues to be proposed.
Debt schedule was additionally shown as we are planning financially for the future when debt payments increase from $7 million in 2022 to $14.9 million in 2023.
Tonight the board adopts the preliminary budget. Timeline is as follows:
Committee meeting action items considered routine will be enacted under one motion unless removed for separate action upon Board request. The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite Governing Board action on all consent items, which are not held for discussion. Items that have been held for discussion by the Governing Board will be enacted upon at the time the item is discussed.
A. Financial Statements - That the Board of School Directors approve the financial statements/bills payable list, as presented. (Enclosure)
Passed ☒ Failed ☐ Vote: 8-0
B. Preliminary Budget Adoption and Notice of Special Meeting - That the Board of School Directors approve the resolution adopting the Preliminary Budget for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year and the Notice of Special Meeting for June 8, 2021, in accordance with Act 1 of 2006, as presented. (Enclosures - Resolution Budget Notice)
Fisher - Read the resolution.
Passed ☒ Failed ☐ Vote: 7-1 (Harris - No)
E. Blackboard Inc. - Template Upgrade, Maintenance, and Support - That the Board of School Directors approve the order form from Blackboard Inc. for a template upgrade, maintenance, and support, at an annual cost not to exceed $17,025, as presented. (Enclosure)
Sobczak - Introduced Blackboard presentation on what new website might look like. Current template is retiring. May/June will be surveying the community and working to update the website and go live August 1st.
Ford - Been working on updating the website to be the face of the district. Showed a mock up with possibilities for the website. Featured videos on the main page, easier navigation, interactive elements and built in translation.
Bookman, Harris - Thanked them for their work on this.
Passed ☒ Failed ☐ Vote: 8-0
L. DePedro Family - Donation in Memory of Nicholas DePedro- That the Board of School Directors approve a donation from the DePedro family in memory of Nicholas DePedro. The family would like to donate his 1940s helmet and team football for display in the high school showcase, as presented. (Enclosure)
Fisher - Thanked the family for this precious memorabilia.
Passed ☒ Failed ☐ Vote: 7-0 (Finkbohner Abstained)
M. Human Resources Report - That the Board of School Directors approve the resignations, appointments, new positions, leaves of absence, transfers, changes of status and corrections, as presented. (Enclosure)
- We regret to be asked to accept the retirement of two long time Kings Hwy Elementary teachers. Susan Peter, 3rd grade, is leaving after 36 years of service. Sue O'Connell, Kindergarten, will be leaving after 20 years of service. Thank you for your dedication of the district. Best wishes in retirement.
Passed ☒ Failed ☐ Vote: 8-0
H. Final Exam Waiver - That the Board of School Directors authorize waiving of final exams for Spring 2021 and that the 5% value of the final will be incorporated to the 4th marking period.
Passed in consent agenda.
Approval of summer bus runs, flooring for Reeceville, and roofing for CASH were all approved during consent agenda. Additional information can be found in BoardDocs.
Mills - 596 of CASD employees and partners are vaccinated. Thank you!
Fisher - To the CCIU, kudos to all the staff for the organization of the vaccinations.
Adjourned at 8:08pm.