
District Employee Results

8. How confident are you in the effectiveness of the CASD’s Superintendent?

Why or why not?
I am not confident at all in the abilities; effectiveness; as well as the mental health of the district’s superintendent.  If you want to define the term ‘effectiveness’ as instilling fear into the employees and creating a hostile, harassing environment, then perhaps that would answer the question at hand because in those two areas she has succeeded without a doubt.   In addition to effectiveness, one must address the superintendent’s abilities to run the district.  Having experienced the complete and utter destruction of the district on a first-hand basis each day during her five year tenure with the district, it is obvious that she is incapable of continuing with the duties assigned to her as the superintendent. 
One also has to wonder if her inability to run the district is because she is not qualified for the position and she is overwhelmed, leading to a deterioration of her mental state.  I have been to many board meetings and it is very disconcerting that she will not look people in the eye when they are speaking.  She also talks in circles to people when asked questions by the school board and community members.  During the last meeting when Mr. Fisher asked Madame Superintendent for her report, she seemed very aloof and could only talk about the districts achievements in sports, as well as other activities.  Nothing was mentioned about scholastic achievement. 
Trust issues
I believe that Dr. Taschner has her own agenda and does not have the best interest of the students at the center of it. She often makes decisions without discussing the pros and cons with the teachers or asking for the input of teachers as a whole. She will often ask those who share her beliefs and that’s it.
She doesn’t seem to have the students, teachers, or community’s best interests at heart. Many changes/suggestions/or even cries for help and more support have gone unnoticed. As an employee it feels more like she has her own agenda that doesn’t involve what is best for our students and their success and the support they need in mind. A lot of supports and classes that our student would benefit from for success and being well rounded community members are no longer in place.
This district needs alt Ed for disruptive students. Also discipline is the worst I have seen for the past 5 years, I have been here for the last 3 or 4 superintendents.  Too much micro managing by super and building admin.
Supports are not in place for any of the children: general ed, special ed, mental health. Everyone is spread so thin it is ineffective.
Lack of discipline, communication etc.
How is it that things are being voted on and approved without written plans or input from teachers, students and parents? So much has changed in the last 4 years and not in a good way
Teachers have no input. Teachers are treated as an inferior group. Teachers are fearful of retaliation. New reading programs were selected without piloting them first. There is too much being jammed into a student’s day now. Student behavior has gone 360. There is nobody to back up us up. Principals are not tough enough. The kids walk all over staff and some parents do too.
I have seen multiple initiatives she has implemented cause our students to fail.
There has been a clear lack of direction/continuity in course scheduling (no clear flow in levels, knowing what one would be teaching at end of school year so proper planning can take place). Discipline consequences are not consistently followed which causes repeated loss of students attending class and loss of instruction time due to interruptions by inappropriate student behavior even after multiple referrals and home contact has been made or attempted. 
Superficial overviews of special education and mental health issues are overwhelming.  There is increasingly a feeling that there is not enough time in the day or proper reflection time to professionally teach a variety of subjects/ assess students/properly prepare and deal with the increasing amount of mental health issues students are exhibited (we are not mental health specialist.)

Her choices in programming and curriculum seem unaware of and disengaged with the community and demographic she serves.
I’m not sure how to answer this. As a teacher, she seems like she means well and has never directly affected my work health but I do know to conduct my business and stay out of as much as I can. I also volunteer when I can. As a parent, I am not confident. I recently pulled my children out of Casd. The behaviors and bullying was chaotic and not a great environment for my children. My oldest has an iep for reading and only continued to get worse. His behavior changed and he hated school. Since being at Avon Grove, he actually gets itinerant reading support and has improved greatly. And both children love school again.
As a taxpayer, I’m drowning. The amount I pay in taxes, you would think I’m living in a 3000 sq ft freshly painted home with a 2 car garage and other luxuries. My modest 1600 sqft home will never sell and I will be stuck here forever. I don’t mean stuck in Coatesville either... I mean literally in this house that we are quickly outgrowing.
I think there needs to be major change for us to ever consider sending our children back to Casd when they hit middle/high school.
ELA teachers are banned by Superintendent from using outside resources other than Units of Study
Lack of leadership.  Surrounds herself with state bureaucrats and "yes" people.  Peter principle in full effect.  Give me back the power to run my classroom and stop issuing unfunded mandates!
It seems as if all she wants to do is make it hard on teachers in a "got you" situation and only wants to make herself look good.
I feel as if her agenda is hers alone without proper input or from tried and true practices. Ex. Dr Villa was a colleague of hers at Twin Valley Hs.
Do not feel she makes decisions best for whole district
We are given scripted remarks to say at the Board meetings instead of speaking truth.  Why do the board members need to be escorted through the buildings?  Aren't they in charge?  They should be allowed to stroll through the buildings and visit any classrooms they would like.  I don't feel that the board is told exactly what is happening, I believe that is why we had such and nasty and prolonged contract negotiations.
Does not seem to understand that district initiatives are meaningless until discipline is regained.  Also, does not understand the population's need for a large-scale alternative education program.
The programs she has brought into the district are not effective. This is proven by pssa scores being the lowest they have ever been. In addition, the way that special education has been handled is not correct. I am a special Education teacher and I feel that yes, inclusion works for many students. However, there are also many students who need emotional support classrooms, life skills classrooms, and pull out support, which is not provided at the level needed to help students.
Schools are filthy, unsafe and students and teachers are fleeing.
The number of students & teachers leaving speaks volumes.
Since her arrival, teachers are treated like imbeciles.  Our every move is monitored.   We aren't allowed to use our professional judgment.   Our programs are terrible.   Good families are leaving and behavior problems are not addressed
I am literally afraid to say my true answer --- in fear of losing my job. However, some things need to change in order to protect and honor the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff.
Nightmare, evil, manipulating, dishonest,
Dr. Taschner has brought many new programs and initiatives to the district
She has created a hostile environment where teachers are afraid of retribution,  academic standards and expectations have deteriorated.  Behavior standard and expectation are gone.   Teachers and administrators are disciplined more than students.   The focus of our administration has shifted to maintaining a facade rather than student learning
Superintendent has been here for a number of years and our districts enrollment, educational opportunities, test scores and staff continue to plummet. As a parent, tax payer and educator in the CASD I feel it is time for her to make a swift exit
Two major concerns I have had over the last 3 years:

1. The diminishing of services for our students, especially our special education students. We do not have the resources they need for them to be successful. This leads to a ripple effect through all our students and teachers. I understand all students should be included in least restrictive environments, but the lack of supports for our students is detrimental to everyone. Sometimes students needs more than a general education setting, and that is OK and nothing to be ashamed of. We need to give each student what they need, not each student the same thing. Equity versus equality.

2. Lack of moral in our buildings. Teachers and staff feel they need to “walk on eggshells” and are afraid to make a wrong move for fear of losing their jobs. I wish people would feel supported and if mistakes are made, or someone need help, they feel administrators “have their back.” We are all a team, but sadly, it is not that way.
There is really no leadership or direction given
Does not mean what she says. She interprets things to fit what she wants.
WORST working conditions ever.  Nothing she does is for our students.  Every support is out of compliance: LS, Gifted, ESL, and Reading Specialists.
I feel as if the current superintendent's first priority is avoiding litigation from parents (which she has not been very successful at) to the extent that she micromanages administrators and teachers to an extent that there is a culture of fear among us, the people who've been entrusted to educate the students.  I know I am personally always concerned that I will get disciplined for doing my job.  Furthermore it is my strong belief that because of fear teachers are resistant to new initiatives (mind up for example) for fear they will be reprimanded for doing it wrong.  It is already very difficult to find any teacher willing to organize trips for fear that they will be blamed for any problems resulting from the trip.
I don't see positive changes.  A lot of talk and smiles, but I don't trust any of it.  People feel cornered if they  say or do the wrong thing whatever the wrong thing may be at that given time.
I don't understand her motivations, and her decisions are not right for the students or teachers or principals of CASD. She has been very effective at getting what SHE wants, which has hurt the rest of us time and time again.
I feel like what is presented publicly is very different than what happens behind closed doors.  I feel that there is no transparency, but rather deception about what is really going on.
Our district has gone downhill since she came. She has ruined this district. Full of lies.
This Superintendent does not understand what is best for Coatesville students. The superintendent is focusing on professional development and positive marketing for the school district, while she is constantly overlooking two very important aspects: safety and behavior.
The decline in the district as a whole is unsettling and I do not have confidence in the current administration to turn things around
In less than three years she has driven enrollment into the ground, causing students to enroll in other schools. Additionally she has disrupted the learning environment for students here: not providing sound discipline consequences and inclusion practices for all knowing students need small testing and small group accommodations, requiring more from regular Ed teachers and causing special Ed teachers to exit the district completely.
We did not have these problems when Como was in charge.  Reports from Susquehanna SD are concerning.
She leads through fear and intimidation. Eliminated all collegial conversation and communication that was extremely valuable to sharing best practices. Lowered academic and behavioral standards to basement level. Replaced a rigorous, professional ELA curriculum aligned with PA standards with a workshop program that is worthless and aligned to NY standards.
There are many problems that we have in our school district now.  One of the most glaring is how many employees have voluntarily left our district.  
It appears as though we are in a downward spiral.
I don't feel she puts the district first - it seems she is only trying to further her own career.
Too many programs taken away during her term and a rising discipline issue
I feel that the superintendent does not understand the value of delegating authority and distribution of work. She wants to control everything. In other words she misses the forest because she is too busy bumping into trees.
The loss in employee morale, the lack of administrative support, the lax discipline for kids (but stringent discipline for employees). She is stifling good teachers.  She is lowering the bar for kids who really need help just to push them through.
Not a leader what's the point the finger at people when things go wrong on the decisions she's made
Scores that were moving up are continuing to decrease.  No supports for struggling students like there IEPs say or they need.  She does not trust her students.
The lack of specificity surrounding initiatives and the climate of fear/frustration amongst teachers is disconcerting.
She is disconnected from the classroom reality of how things are working
All image, no substance...
Lots of promises and lack of transparency
A plan should have been proposed about the restructuring of the schools before presented to the public and yet we don’t have a plan. Major red flag
lack of leadership, no skills whatsoever (that's why she spends so much taxpayer money on consultants and "experts"), spreads a dark and negative culture, puts her personal interests before the students
With Audra possibly losing her job over a mistake that could have been handled in a discussion is inexcusable. That is worse than making a mistake scoring it when you have not been trained.
Since she has come to the district I have seen many of my coworkers leave. There is no discipline or consequences for bad behavior. Students are leaving the district. The outsourcing is not working the buildings that they are in are dirty. It’s just not the same and I’ve been with the district for 12 years.
She never has a plan.
Schools are in crisis. Good teachers leaving or retiring. No support for teachers.  Co-teaching is a disaster. No discipline in schools, losing many students because they are getting hit or worse, with no consequences. Students attacking teachers, aides and principal without any consequences. Special ed supervisors are unavailable to special ed teachers for help & support (not allowed to contact them)! Some classrooms have had no instructions for months bc teachers have left or on leave and no LTS acquired.  Teachers that ARE there cannot teach due to behaviors in the classroom. Suspensions not allowed. Students are getting no education.
Not sure how to explain
Building administration is overworked
Discipline is lacking
Teachers don’t feel safe to make mistakes or take risks.
Dr. Taschner has destroyed the rigor and discipline in our district.  Her administration bullies teachers into passing students, asks for no input, and straight out lies to us.

We do not trust her, and never will.
The district has been a disaster since she took over. Students curse teachers out and walk the halls all day long with zero consequences. Test scores are horrific and the learning environment is awful.
She seems to run the district in an autocratic way; not seeking advice from experts, or from constituents of all perspectives
Decisions about discipline and not giving fair concerned had left kids not being held accountable.  Students are disrupting classes because of this.  Students with ieps are placed in classes where they cannot read or understand the material so they struggle and then act out.  There is not enough emotional support for the students in the school.
The programs (reading and math) she has chosen to use with our students are not effective but they continued to be used.
That lack of standards behaviorally and academically are so low that we will be producing students that will be unable to function in society. This shows that she doesn’t care about the children in our community.
The lack of respect for our students that have IEP’S.  Not supplying the appropriate services for these students. 
She doesn’t demonstrate that she sincerely cares for our community.  Looking at data, there’s been no positive gains.
Her driving force is to just tell people what they want to hear. She is  a 2 faced liar
She is a very kind and knowledgeable person face to face, but her actions do not coincide with what she says...  morale is very low, the academic programs being used do not meet the needs of a majority of our students, and she utilized her power to go after or get back at people who go against her.
She believes fervently in her ideas despite all information to the contrary
Actual student achievement is no longer a priority in this district. Student achievement is now a photo op. Our students are not valued because there is now constant pressure to just pass kids, support systems are no longer in place that many of our students need, teachers are threatened and blamed if students aren’t behaving, passing, meeting goals, etc., but there is no help from the top. Employees are constantly in fear of the nonstop witch hunt of faculty and staff. We’re constantly looking over our shoulders. We’re not respected or trusted as professionals. Ethics are out the window. How many classrooms have gone for extended periods of time without permanent teachers? The principals read the same exact script to parents about a lack of qualified candidates, but it’s a cost saving scheme to the detriment of student learning. What’s happened to this district in the past five years is heartbreaking.
She puts things into place saying that she is giving the teachers support for all of the new initiatives, but instead has a hired consultant check up on what is happening in the classroom and using reading specialists.
Lack of ownership for poor decision-making, pointing fingers at other administrators for bad decisions
Smiles and lies to the public. Hides the truth from the board and public. Never in all my years of teaching have I seen so many unhappy teachers.
Many things are done without consideration of the students including mainstreaming the special education students into uncomfortable classrooms for both the special Education students and regular Education students, moving students into a school that does not provide adequate room with regards to the students learning environment,  not having students held accountable for their actions when the learning environment isn't working,  is just a few things among numerous others.
Lack of leadership skills, uses excellent speech skills to persuade staff, community, and boards members in untruthful ways, untrue reporting of behavior issues, reports data (some innacurate) that only shows positivity and growth instead of the reality of the district, does not listen to her staff concerns, lack of involvement in/knowledge of the buildings, negatively targets employees who speak out against her, implements out of date/lacking curriculum across multiple subjects, lack of services provided to students with special needs
She makes things appear different than they are. Not trustworthy, bad reputation from prior districts she worked in.
Time for new leadership.
The rising tide of students choosing charter or private schools increases but we have not made any serious change to bring those families back. 
She has removed services and programs the kids need. Created fear and anxiety in her staff and destroyed our language arts curriculum. She needs to go.
I am an employee Of the district there’s a lot of things people don’t even know how kids are reprimanded for speaking their mind teachers are to treated horribly secretaries custodial staff kitchen workers are terrified to speak up and fear of being fired
I never thought morale could be so low. I am considered an expert in my field and yet cannot make decisions for my department without being micromanaged. To her, it seems like being right is more important than doing the right thing.
She’s only makes choices that benefit her
She’s driven our districts confidence, test scores, and discipline into the ground. The overall morale is down & we’re losing amazing teachers left & right. She’s created an environment where teachers are scared of their own colleagues & administrators.
She has created a pipeline to prison
Mandates and micromanagement are not solving the issues she disregards or fixes her way, the only way.  She is not open to others' ideas.
Lower test scores, more discipline issues, less rigor, less students, higher teacher turnover
Does not listen to concerns or needs of staff, students, and community
Unsupportive toward staff and common goals. Students are losing out as utter chaos ensues. Creating a safe space for all opinions are valued and shared is the only way we can take education into the future.
She doesn’t listen to anyone, parents, students speak out and nothing changes. Teachers and staff are fearful of her
I worked special education at the elementary level and in the school I worked the IEP’s were not followed! Also the children were way out of control at all levels and it seems nothing was being done.
9. How effective is the Superintendent in clearly communicating district plans and expectations to staff members? 
Plans and expectations are not clearly delivered to staff members.  Building and assistant principals will have their own take on her plans and expectations which lead to extreme confusion among the staff.  In the end, nothing gets accomplished because the superintendent’s mandates are not clear because she does not know how to communicate effectively with her principals as well as the teaching and support staff of the district.
We rarely get notice and if we do it’s minimal.
We are told one thing in person or through email and then there is no follow through and we are told something different by administrators. There are very mixed messages. Even for things as simple as packing for the end of the year. Also when giving feedback it feels like we are not heard and the feedback goes in one ear and out the other.
Everything looks good on paper when it is actually worse than ever
Either she speaks and in untruthful or she doesn’t speak and moves ahead
We never know anything before it happens. They announce something is happening but then no planning or very poor planning. Never teacher input.
She tends to be late with info, vague with info and cite scientific research and methods and their efficacy but not understand that you can find that beating your children is the best way to raise them to be good if you look hard enough- doesn’t make it true just cuz it’s in black and white.
Long and wordy emails and explanations! The messages are not clear and most things are heard by word of mouth. Very short notice is given for assignments and events.
There are multiple programs that are
Not discussed with staff and only found out by staff by community members asking questions
see Previous statement
There is no communication.  You don't need to know my name, I prefer anonymity anyway, but dont point at me and say "hey you."
Example: we are closing a middle school...but no one has any idea what the district will look like at the start of next year. 
I am not aware of any plans that she has laid out to us, unless it is in afterthought.
Communication is nonexistent. We feel as if our administrators in our building are not allowed to make any decision without talking to Dr Taschner first.
Often directives are last minute communication with no time or direction in how to complete
We are given notice about things with short turn times around and expected to do it. 
I never know of plans until they are already decided upon and am never asked my opinion.
She lies.
I often feel like there are surprises that pop up that no one seemed to know about in advance.
We are given things to do at the last minute with little or no direction.
We receive updates but they are often lack details or are inaccurate to portray positive images only.  
Staff and obviously the board are the last to know.
There is extremely little communication and if there is, it is last minute.
We've been told we are moving, and to pack up. We would be given materials. Now we aren't sure, but we were told two days before school ends to pack up EVERYTHING, but without packing supplies. Plus, we were told to teach thru Thursday afternoon. How is that even possible?
Again, it’s her way or the highway. You’re always fearful of retribution. It’s going to take a lot of work for teachers to trust admin again!
I am unaware of any of her plans for the district.
No consistency

Her actions do not correlate with what she communicates.
The information that comes to us from the superintendent is carefully crafted to appear communicative, but actually doesn't tell us anything. The big things that we need to know about have not been shared at talk.
I cannot open a single enclosure on the board agenda
Communication is not clear or consistent across buildings. We are told things last minute and mostly through email from our building principal.
Dropped the ball on closing middle schools and new configuration.  Voted down by board a week before school closed.  Teachers don’t know where they are going
Communication is top down only, last minute, and no time to prepare. We received an email this morning about summer curriculum meetings and had to answer by today. Typical.
Directives come down with little to no explanation or follow-through.
As a paraprofessional I feel I get information through the trickledown effect.
I never really know what is expected.  We seem to get information through rumors.  I don’t feel included in decision making and I don’t feel that admin knows-or cares- what my job entails, or what I need to help me do my job well.
She never puts anything in writing.
We are often part of a team that does not get a real voice in what we are meeting about
May communicate plans but does not follow through...with no explanation
No communication at all except for something she can brag about or take credit for
I’ve never had any communication of what the superintendent expects from me.
Everything comes last minute and without consideration of our overall expectations.
She rolled out co-teaching with no training. Teachers had no idea what to do. It’s a failure. Does not work for our students.  Need specialized programs back for special Ed students?
Teachers often find out information from parents first.
Principal was hired and building staff was never notified.
Staff unsure of positions for next year.
We never know anything until the last minute.
She lies about everything
Still have not heard what arrangements teachers would be given to pack up SBMS classrooms, and we are now  less than 4 days until our year ends
What plans?
They are selective in what communications they want us to receive.
She just does whatever she wants at a moment’s notice
She may say often says one thing, but does something different
She implies information to her principals and then denies ever "saying that".  Well, she never said the words.  But when all principals do the same thing the message was loud and clear
We’re going one to one next year. No training. No mention of training. No expectation of training because that would make sense.
If teachers do not attend board meetings, read press releases on the website, or know who to ask they are not kept in the loop of any plans.
The communication I have received is late at best and sometimes doesn’t match with the outcome that comes later.
Teachers have no idea where they will be teaching next year. They don’t know what buildings WILL EVEN BE OPEN!!!!
Decisions are thrown at the fan without any regard for the student’s welfare in school.
Curriculum is given to teachers without training, no written guidelines for how buildings are to be run, no written down guidelines for SPED teachers for IEP meetings, untruthful communication: states one thing to the teachers but does something completely different
There is no communication. She is a micro manager.
Communication is nonexistent. Whether it's communicating new hires in the district office, to where meetings are held within the district office (to assist the receptionist), to communicating new policies and expectations - there is literally no communication. Unless, of course, you unknowingly go against one of those policies, then tou become aware through discipline & laudermills.
Seem to be HER plans only,  Others’ opinions are not considered, 
I haven’t a clue as to the plans. Everything is last minute and nothing is planned out. We REACT to everything.
What’s the goal for eliminating levels and resource rooms? How are we helping kids by not holding them academically or behaviorally accountable
All agenda are unclear and not planned properly.
We only ever get her nicely formatted letters that go to the entire CASD community
10. Is the Superintendent responsive when you reach out with ideas, concerns, requests, and/or suggestions? 

Please Explain
I can only answer ‘not applicable’ to this question as I have never reached out to the superintendent and never will. The last thing I would ever do is bring up concerns, requests, or suggestions for two major reasons:  fear of retaliation and losing my job.  This is the just one of the legacies that the superintendent will leave once she is gone from the district.
When prompted, I have shared concerns with Dr. Taschner but she has just smiled and told  me it’s ok or she has promised to get supplies/request completed but never does.
She listens and acts like she cares but there is nothing done, no changes made. If anything things get worse.
I specifically asked her to stop by my classroom- it was December, she said she’d be glad to after the holidays- never walked by my classroom again - it’s June
Listens says she will do something then crickets.
She dismissed my concerns citing that there’s research to prove her way is correct and best
Again, the emails are so lengthy and unclear.
I never reach out to her but her team never responded to an email.  It is like they work in the CIA.  I work for my families and advocate for them.  In that capacity, I reached out to one of the bureaucrats on her staff for permission to continue homebound instruction with a student over the summer.  That was three weeks ago.  If I don't respond to a parent or student  in a half hour I apologize.  Again, ivory tower mindset.
I fear negative retaliation if I would bring up concerns or suggestions.
Too afraid to ask
I contacted her and several board members about the filthy condition of the bathrooms in the classrooms, bathrooms are still not being cleaned on a daily basis.
It seems dangerous to interact with her.
I have had multiple things come up in the past couple of years.  80% of the time I didn’t get a reply or a straight answer when in person.  One time she resolved an issue but it was brought to her attention by many.
She responds to those who share her opinions. If you don't,  you are disposable.
I have never reached out to her before.
I have not reached out to her specifically
She’s only responsive if you copy the board members on your request or concerns otherwise they are ignored
NA because I’m afraid to give my true opinion for fear of retribution
If a parent would like to email me [email address removed] I would be happy to discuss the myriad of issues I have with the current administration.
Might respond, but that's about it.
She is a good listener and tells you what you want to hear.  Then does whatever she chooses
Absolutely not. We made an effort to meet with her and express concerns. She came, mollified us with her snake oil voice and nothing was ever resolved.
She listens to concerns but when those concerns do not compliment the programming model she disregards them.
Listens but you never get and answer it a response
She only spoke to me, personally, a few years ago.  Only got lip service.
She will only address concerns in person.  Never through email.  When she was in the building,  I never saw her.
She listens but does not follow through
I do not reach out to the superintendent for anything. 
I, personally, haven't had much difficulty with sharing concerns.  But she has become more removed from teachers.
Never reached out to her
Still no answer about packing time...
Teachers were moved from positions they were in for 10 plus years with no real reason on why seniority wasn't considered.  Teachers who had only been teaching a few years (which many have left the district now) where left in those positions  while the senior, experienced teachers were moved.  Efforts were made on many teachers parts to express the need of having strong male teachers in the middle School building but were ignored so instead teachers were moved to elementary school.
We (teachers of South) meet with her in Nov. (2018) for almost 2 hours and expressed all of our concerns. She stated that she would get back to us within a week.  We are still waiting.
I don’t reach out for fear that my questions might be perceived as a challenge to her. 
Takes great notes but never follows up. I was told last July when I was I voluntarily transferred that she would get back to me in 2 days. It’s been 11 months and still no response.
I would never reach out to her
I have not reached out because I fear retribution.
She acts sincere when listening, but nothing happens after the conversation.
Grant conclusion information, our curriculum has not been looked at in more than 5 years.
I’ve been smiled to and told it will be looked into. Riiiiiiiiiiight.
I have reached out to her and she has said her assistant would get back to me and nothing was ever done and no one ever reached out to me. My concerns for my own child fell upon deaf ears. My brother and I were extremely happy when our kids graduated this past year getting them out from under her meaningless decision making with the school crumpling apart.
She has responded to my concerns, has stated that she would follow up on my concerns, and then nothing actually came about from my concerns or suggestions.  She was very eloquent in her conversation and made me believe that something might happen this time with my request, alas it was just her powerful speaking skills coming through.
She tells you what you want to hear. She will do what she wants every time.
Emails often go unanswered.
She barely looks you in the eye unless she’s reprimanding you or trying to intimidate you, which she’s done quite a few times. She’s even called me another employee’s name
Told me she would call me with a response but did not.
I would be afraid to ask her a question.
Fails to respond consistently.
11. How well do the Superintendent's plans and programs match with the goals and mission of the Coatesville Area School District?
At this point, after five years, you would have to ask yourself “What are the goals and mission of the Coatesville Area School District?”  Under this regime, the district has lost its way and is a failure.  It has fallen into a precipice that it may never be able to pull itself out of.  If one counts failure, lack of discipline, teachers being both verbally and physically assaulted on a daily basis, as well as pushing students through to the next grade without any expectations for them, then this may give you the answer of what the ‘goal and mission’ of the district is in its current state.
More discipline, more educational options for special Ed, alt ed
This was evident in the most recent board meeting. It comes more across like she has her own agenda, and it’s not one that matches the students best interests, the teachers, or the community members.
She sounds as if she is the mission. However, her actions do not match her words.
Esp in special education programming
If we are supposed to be producing global citizens then we need to show them what global expectations  are and not make excuses for them
Students who are roaming our halls for marking periods at time and luring other students out of class are trashing our hallways, not getting a proper education and therefore not working towards our mission statement

Depends on what program we are talking about. I think the ideas and heart were in the right place... overall, it just isn’t working.
They are her own goals and agenda.  "Yes" people on her team go along to get along.
We are losing students and teachers. 
The goal should be to keep staff and students in the district so that together we can make a strong, united district.
We need to prepare kids for college, the work force, military, trade school. That means all kids don’t need to take an AP course. Full inclusion also does not work for all students. We also need alternative education back. There are students who cannot function in the full day traditional academic environment.
Curriculum is not preparing successful career/college bound students. Discipline is nonexistent- students will not translate to real world consequences
We cannot have excellence, and innovative educational experiences when we have no discipline in the buildings.  Instead of brining in Mind Up, we should have brought in PBIS and had PD on that for every staff member in the district.
She appears to want to destabilize the schools so that she can drive people out.
I feel they “match” in theory & titles.  However, not in execution.
We need systematic  programs for our students to be successful.
A feeling of false imagery pervades the district.    Programs and supports are gone while admin touts student gains.   The emphasis on learning is gone.   There is pressure to pass all students without concern for their actual learning.   All students receive a minimum 50% grade,  need 60% to pass. A student wuthering a 75% average after the midterm has mathematically passed the course for the year.   If learning and better grades are not motivating that student,  they will pass even if they don't show up again.   By having policy. A student who learns 75%of 50% of a course successfully completes the course.
We are not setting all children up for success.
She did not want anything to do with what we had in plans when she arrived. She pushes all things out. She was only interested in “showing off”
I am unaware of any plans so cannot comment.
From the mission statement  "to ensure all students will become responsible, contributing global citizens." THIS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the actual mission of  the district, as I see it, which is to give parents whatever they want.  Parents needs should certainly be addressed but many parents refuse to accept the needs their students have that the school can not successfully address.  For example a highly volatile child, should experience consequences, and eventually be placed in an educational environment that can successfully provide the therapeutic needs of that student.
If you're talking about honest rigor and high expectations so that all students leave with at least the basics of the subject taught.
What Dr. Taschner SAYS she/the district does and what actually happens are two completely different things.
Dismantling the district is not the goal of the district
Before she came we had a rigorous standard for academics and behavior. She removed all supports and programs and destroyed any semblance of discipline and student accountability.
Students are at the center of the mission; however, many opportunities for students are being dismantled.
I don't feel the community wants the kind of district she created.  Getting rid of Alternative Ed was a big mistake - it damages everyone.  Some kids need a different type of learning.  She is damaging all students education by continuing to let disruption tarnish the schools reputation.
The superintendent does not understand the root causes of our problems. She shifts blame and lowers standards because she is obsessed with good PR. These lowered standards for behavior and work ethic end up doing our students more harm than good. Yes, group work has value — but so does individual stamina and determination. If everything is done in a group no one has ownership and no one has initiative.
Special Ed students are clearly not serviced as they should be. No resource rooms, or supports for their program as it used to be.
Does anyone really know what they are?  From what I’ve seen since she came on board, I would have to say no. We are not ensuring that ALL students will become responsible, contributing global citizens.  Enabled and entitled maybe...
Special Education at CASD does not allow for me to provide the services and support students truly need. It’s now a cookie cutter program as if all special needs are the same
Superintendent's plans are not clearly communicated (she and her administrators just seem to be winging it), thus it is difficult to truly answer this
We do not have the resources or staffing to match the goals of the mission.
She’s single-handedly ruining our district.
Some match others don’t
I’m not sure that the curriculum changes made serve all academic levels. The change in course “levels” seems to have left behind our lowest level students. Where is the commitment to excellence- for all of our students?
That lack of standards (academically and behaviorally) she has for our student is truly shameful. 
She seems to only be concerned with promoting students regardless of what knowledge they’ve obtained.
Her actions and plans do not match up with our mission statement...  we do not even follow the student code of conduct anymore.... 
On paper they match beautifully.   But through implementation they don't accomplish the goals (i.e. restorative discipline)
Our mission is pretty much to just get kids to pass.
It all depends on whose plans and version of the school’s mission one is referring to. This is not the same school district I grew up in nor is it the same school district I began my career in. Some days the only things I recognize are the buildings and the desire in teachers around me to continue doing what is best for our kids.
If the goal is to bring in the state to takeover it’s a perfect match. Oh wait, It’s not!!!
We have implemented curriculum that is lacking in core concepts, lowered our kids standards by accepting 60 as passing, and continue to accept outrageous behaviors as ok.  How can we be committed to excellence when this is the norm that we are accepting?  Our teachers strive every day to implement a diverse, educationally sound, and safe environment for our students, but are resources are continually pulled from us (textbooks, projects) and we are told students must pass or it is the teachers fault.
It is her agenda not the communities.
The mission statement is a joke. We dont do any of it anymore. It's her fault.
We are not expecting or offering excellence. Teachers are teaching classes that aren’t the best fit.
Staff is being told CPM is the curriculum. CPM is the textbook not the bird approved curriculum. Staff is told to follow book (CPM) and ignore board approved curriculum.
12. Does the Superintendent create a trusting and open environment for staff? 

13. Any other Employee comments?

As long as the Dr. Taschner is the superintendent of the Coatesville Area School District, there will NEVER be an environment of trust and openness.  In five years she – and she alone – has created a hostile and harassing environment where you cannot trust anyone.  For this reason, the district will never be able to move forward.  In the corporate world, when a CEO is running a business into the ground because of their incompetency and lack of trust with the people who work for him/her, they are removed by its board of directors before irrevocable damage is done.

 Dr. Taschner has ruined the trust of the staff and community of the Coatesville Area School District.  She came in talking a good game and that she could lead the district on the right path.  She talks about the community and teachers being ‘stakeholders’ in the running of the district, but her actions speak louder than her words.  The district is destroyed and it will take years for the district to right itself – if ever – after her departure.  The staff is constantly looking over their shoulders waiting to be accused of anything and everything they might have done wrong.  They are set up to fail and if they don’t follow her rules by the book they will face retaliation. Shortly after she came, teachers were forced to sign a code-of-conduct and threatened with termination if they did not sign off.  She will deny this, but this is what was told to the staff, or perhaps it was simply ‘miscommunication’ on her part.

 She will say the following isn’t true, but look at the data from the last five years.  Staff leaving; students leaving; discipline problems in every school and grade.  Teachers scared to speak out in fear of swift, ‘effective’ retaliation; parents worried about their children in the classroom being bullied and not receiving the education that they are rightfully due by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. 
What the Coatesville Area School Board, community, and educators need to do now is look at the steps needed to rebuild the district after this disastrous experiment with Dr. Taschner has ended.  First and foremost will be the question, “How can the school board, along with the new superintendent restore the trust and confidence to the community and educators to lead the district on a new path?” 

The saddest part is that the longer we wait for a change at the top, the worse it will be moving forward.  And it is the students who are the ones who are suffering the most in the current climate and environment of the district.  They are being pushed through at any cost to the next grade; they are not being disciplined; and they can say and do whatever they want with very little (if any) punishment.

 As a district, we are not preparing them for the world after high school.  Although the superintendent will beg to differ on this point saying “look at all the wonderful programs I have put in place,” - this will be her legacy: FAILURE.  Failure to the community, the staff, the current school board, and the students. It is that last group - the students - who have suffered the most over the last five years.  In the end, the biggest question to solve once a new superintendent is in place is: “How can the students learn to trust again and regain the skills and knowledge to make them life-long learners and productive members of society?”
I think Dr. Taschner is leading the district in a very positive direction.
Dr. Taschner does not understand how to effectively run a school district. She has a one size fits all play for special education and does not understand individualized education. Coteaching should not be an end all be all but unfortunately in Dr. T’s eyes it is. Special education teachers are not allowed to ask question or offer supports without jumping through hoops. The lack of supports for our special education students is not only doing a disservice to them but then also negatively impacting students in general education but the classroom supports once in place for those students are also gone. Additionally, a lack of discipline across the district has increased behaviors of almost all students instead of the small amount of behavioral students before. I have witness Dr. T walking by and ignoring a behavior problem in a school.
I hope the most recent board meeting sparks change in the district. It seems as though things continue to get worse and teachers are expected to educate and meet students’ needs with less and less and no support.
This was the last day in this district after 10 years- perhaps I will be back under a different administration AND special Ed dept -
She needs to resign and teachers need to be part of the hiring process for a new one. Also a thorough background check needs to be done on applicants
I wish we actually HAD a Special Education department. As a Special Ed teacher, we are an absolute disservice to the kids with special needs (not including basic itinerant learning support) and they are failing. We need pull out classes, resource classes, and special education teachers actually need a space to be able to take students to cool down, calm down, and work one on one without the distractions of the rest of the class in the background. I teach 6th grade and I have 3 kids below a second grade level. It's completely unfair and unethical. I have students having breakdowns because they feel stupid. I have kids freaking out and throwing desks and destroying classrooms risking the safety of the other students in the class, because their basic needs are not being addressed. The special education department is an extreme failure, and makes me ashamed to be a special education teacher, because I do not feel I am doing a service to these kids at all. They are failing and falling through the cracks and I'm tired of it.
When she is replaced, the public and the board need to truly  research before signing a contract. A contract renewal should NEVER be signed prior to its time!
I am a teacher as well as a taxpayer. I think it would be interesting to see how many of us fall in that  category.
Thank you for ALL that you are doing to support our children!!!!!!
Time to change CASD leadership.
I feel that teachers are not given a voice and therefore not valued. Sp.Ed. teachers are spending more time on (often redundant) paperwork than planning and teaching but are given no time to complete it. There are no lead teachers and we seldom see our Sp.Ed. Supervisor and our emails are not always returned. We need the reading specialists back in the buildings to work with students, our students need more help than we are currently able to give them. We need more staff giving direct services to help other students who are struggling from falling behind, not more staff to tell teachers how to do their job.  Classrooms where there are students with IEPs desperately need paraprofessionals.  Our district is losing good students because so much instruction time is being wasted on behavior management and good teachers are leaving because of burn out frustration from no support from district administration and no consistent discipline and/or consequences from school administration. A vice principal would help because our principal is always in IEP Meetings. It would also help for the school counselor to actually teach social skills classes. She has no schedule and even lunch duty, for her, is optional.
It’s a shame what has happened in the last years. I’ve seen so much regression in the students because I haven’t been allowed to service them as they’ve needed
The superintendent and her assistants can be cold and mean. They can be vindictive unless you stay quiet. They make unnecessary extra work for teachers instead of trying to make our lives easier, to improve the educational atmosphere. We are given very short notice on schedule changes and new assignments that are not helpful to us. We are overloaded and it is not helping test scores, and that’s why people leave. You have no life if you work in this district. Most of  kids are out of control and so disrespectful. That’s why teachers and families leave.
I have been retaliated against after speaking up so for the superintendent to say that doesn’t happen is ridiculous
Speaking up regarding discipline issues that aren’t working or scheduling issues seem to fall on deaf ears.
I have trust with my colleagues. I’m very careful about how and what I say to my administration.
Superintendent has no integrity and not doing what is in best interest of CASD
We do not feel trusted at all.  Again, it appears that she wants to always "get you" for anything she can.
We work under fear and intimidation.  Feel like if you speak up- you will be a target.  Curriculum committee are a put on- decisions are made for us... but admin will cite that teachers decided.  Teacher contract is not followed, or followed how superintendent deems to.  Lots of wasted tax payer money
This vicious attack on our district must stop. If you are looking to help improve things, come and read to kids!
I have found that she is not always truthful.  For example, she says that she has spent extensive time in each building, but I only saw her in my building 2 or 3 days this year.  That is not extensive in my book.
We are desperate for help.
I would like to see is go back to the reading specialist role we had last year. Students really miss out in daily direct instruction on their level provided by certified reading specialist.

I would like to see special education look like it did a few years ago. Every student received as much or as little support as needed. Nothing more and nothing less.
How can we get rid of her?  I would generously contribute to the buying out of her contract.
Worst ever!
She needs to stay and complete what she has started
Many district employees fear for their jobs on a daily basis.  This does not create a healthy work environment for teachers or students.
There must be a change...look at the past, she has driven every district she has been a part of into the ground!
This movement of middle schools is the biggest fuck up in the history of Coatesville. And that’s saying something
A lack of confidence experience. Fear of reprisal, perception of deliberate antagonism (particularly with cata) abound
She has completely dismantled our district and we want her to leave. We used to be a district rich in diversity and strong in education however with the restraints put on teachers in educating our students, we are not only failing in test scores but we are failing our kids ability to be successful in the future
It gets worse every day.  I’m very concerned about next year since behaviors are the worst I’ve seen in 10 years especially without any type of administration support.  I have a bit of hope simply because the board has gotten wind of what’s truly happening, however since the trend has been that we sink deeper and deeper every year I’m figuring we’ll stay on course to sink even deeper.  I’m giving CASD one more year simply because I’ve been forced out - underpaid & overworked for way too long.  It’s difficult to leave a position that I’m so desperately needed.
The superintendent has shown she believes in motivating through fear. Whenever her orders are questioned she intimidates the employee with suspension and or firing. We have lost countless employees due to her reign of terror over the past 5 years. I’m my opinion we need a superintendent who can pull our district together. Someone who can work with staff and public both to give our children the best learning experience we can this cannot happen with the current superintendent here
[Email address removed]
She needs to go!!!!
Get her out!
She has poisoned the district. We need new leadership, now!
The Coatesville area School District needs a superintendent that understands the dynamic of the district. It needs a superintendent that will bring the community and positivity back into the schools, as opposed to tearing it apart, as the current superintendent is doing.
Actions speak louder than words and I think people are beginning to realize that she talks a good game, but the policies that are put in place, and what actually happens at the individual buildings speak volumes.
She and her administration and their policies have raped this district of professional and student talent and taxpayers' hard-earned money. It is a travesty.
The Coatesville Area School District is in deep trouble.  There is no vision and no plan.  It appears to me that decisions are made so that the district looks good in the eyes of the community and social media.  But in reality, the district is imploding.
It's a sad situation in our schools.
This has to change. Compared to when I started my educational career, and even in comparison to other schools, it’s a sorry state of affairs. It’s not about money.  It used to be more like family.  We used to have each other’s back. Now many people are distrustful, deflated, and “doing their time” until they can get out.  For those of us who have been here for a while, you would think it would be smooth sailing.  I feel like I’m bobbing around in the water, trying not to go under. I do not feel supported or appreciated.
She needs to leave and go become a politician in Harrisburg not another superintendent in another District to destroy
Get her out! Put alternative education back in place and all other supports for our kids!!
as I mentioned before all substance
Dr T must go! She has brought down other districts and she is doing the same to CASD look at her past track record facts don’t lie
Our district needs to go in a different direction.
I have been a proud CASD teacher for many years and through 5 different administrations.  The current administration has broken our district.  These last five years have been the hardest of them all.  Students receive very little, if any, services; discipline has disappeared; principals have no time to interact with students or faculties; and, the curriculum does NOT meet the academic needs of the majority of our students.  The punitive mentality toward employees by upper administration is outrageous; we have lost so many dedicated teachers!  It is heartbreaking to witness.  We can only hope that change is coming and pray that it is not too late to undo all the damage done by Dr. Taschner and her cronies.
We need new leadership
Dr. Taschner is a leader who believes in all students and staff. She believes in creating systems for all not some to succeed. Dr. Taschner must do this work in an environment that does not want all to succeed.
We need a team approach to help our children. Some special ed need time with a spec. Ed. Teacher outside the regular ed. Classroom.
Since she has come to the district it has gone downhill, the taxes have gone up, employees and students have left. It’s a very hostile work environment. If it wasn’t for my wonderful coworkers I don’t know how I could work here.
Since the suspension of Audra Ritter, the trust level has plummeted amongst staff members.  We worry who will be next.
Yes but can't
She started her tenure with no telephone service for 3 months and told everyone in the beginning of the school year that "all schools have phones".  That was the epitome of the way she misrepresents things because all schools did have phones but they were in boxes and not actually working until the end of September. 
I lose sleep over the fact that our students are losing out on an education. It’s sickening and I’m embarrassed to be a part of this. If staff isn’t leaving, they are looking or already interviewing. Like everyone else I know, if I can get out, I’m going!
She and her administration must go before progress can be made in restoring our district.
People are afraid to lose their jobs. She is extremely vindictive. Principals have told us that they have been reprimanded for suspensions. Students curse nonstop all day long.
I am concerned that we will not have CASD in a few years.
Teachers are afraid to talk to anyone about concerns in the district for fear of retaliation.
It is absolutely horrible what Dr. T is allowing to happen to the CATA president. After all of Ritter’s faithful years of service to our district, Dr. T is playing with Audra’s ability to maintain her home, sanity for her kids, pay bills, etc. 

Dr. T, if Audra was your daughter, how would you feel about how she is being treated.
As a teacher, resident, and graduated from Coatesville (which I am proud of), we have lost everything that was great about Coatesville since she has arrived.
i miss working in an environment of cohesiveness and a commitment to community
I like many others are contemplating leaving if things do not get better
How can you trust someone who allows letters to be sent to long standing employees that they could be terminated due to a minor infraction?  I call your attention to a teacher, several custodians and a union president
Things are so bad that I’m not even sure I want to teach anymore. I’ve been trying to get out for the past couple of years, but I haven’t had any luck. I’m considering leaving teaching all together. I don’t think I can take it here much longer.

So many of my colleagues have had serious health issues in the past few years related to the stress of the environment in which we work. High blood pressure, anxiety and depression, and a high rate of absenteeism amongst staff. It would be interesting to see our sick day numbers five years ago versus our sick day numbers now.
This is an administration of fear and intimidation.  Everyone is afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation.
I have spent my entire life in this community. When I decided I wanted to teach this was the only place I wanted to be. That commitment remains. This is not the first superintendent whose vision did not match that of the community.
We were concerned for our students safety many school days.
I’m a ten plus year veteran teacher and for the first time I’m dusting off my resume. Because of her.
Several teachers feel as if they are walking around with targets on their backs.  Every year we lose more and more dedicated, excellent teachers due to work environment hostility from the students.  We are not teaching our children, our future, how to act, grow, and respect themselves or adults.  We are in crisis survival mode within the buildings and our hands are tied.
It’s time for a change!  In my 20 plus years of teaching in CASD, I’ve never seen things worse than now...nothing even close!
She needs to go
Dr Taschner has ruined this district and needs to be removed!
If you question her you will be suspended.
 She needs to go she’s caused this district nothing but money students wonderful teachers and great community employees we were a family and were treated like garbage from day one she continues to spend money on things that are completely out of control taxes have gone up sky high score is for the children have gone way down and causing terror in the workplace for the employees She does not have the districts best interest at heart Destroying this community and this district is all she came here for look back on Susquehanna valley you’ll see what she’s done and she’s doing it here and we continue to let it happen
I foolishly thought that the time right after the incident with Como was the worst for our District, both as a taxpayer and as an employee. I was wrong. This working environment is 100 times more toxic. While most times I'm able to "fly under the radar" at work, I've seen what's occurred with my coworkers and it hurts my heart.
I’ve worked in this district for 12 years. I thought I’d found my “home.” Sadly, my home has never consisted of being fearful, disgusted, screamed at by students, and reprimanded for things that ultimately helped the students. That is what I get when I come into school every day.
I’ve been actively looking to leave.
It is an environment of fear; we do not work in a democracy.  I have no voice, nor free speech.  I tell people I am in an emotionally abusive relationship...with my job.  Sadly (because I love Coatesville, my parents, my students, my colleagues, my principal), my applications are out because this fear ridden work place is not good for my own mental health.  Ironic how we keep hearing about equity and trauma with regards to students, yet we work in an environment where we are treated like “less thans” and are traumatized by fear from upper admin daily.
She’s destroying our district. It’s embarrassing that the board who hired her did not do due diligence. Susquehanna was transparent (hahah Cathy’s best lie) about the damage she did.
She has effectively isolated and pull all in fear consistently. There is no time to collaborate and when we do we fear for our jobs.
It’s like she has blinders on, I once saw her go into a gym class and say it was great. Kids were sitting playing on their phones, there was no real instruction going on just a bunch of kids playing basketball. I would love to see her teach for a week in elementary, middle, and high school. Write her own lessons, discipline, etc. so she can see just how hard it is to teach here.

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