
Monday, August 12, 2019

A retired teacher still “fearful”


Dear CASD people,

I have been a learning support/special education teacher in the CASD for over 30 years. I recently retired EARLY - June 2019. I had planned on staying till 2022 - my full retirement year, BUT the current administration, hostile and fearful work environment, lack of discipline, and the “state” of special education in CASD made my family and myself rethink my original plan of 2022. For both my physical and mental health and my family’s sanity, I HAD to retire this past school year, 2018-19. I would like to elaborate on each point above.

I have worked under way too many superintendents to remember, BUT what I DO remember
and KNOW is that this current administration is “as transparent as mud,” and not only untrustworthy, but mean - oh wait, that is point 2. “They” do NOT value or respect teachers’ experiences, skills, and ideas. We have had “NO SAY” in the curriculum being taught, professional development needs, scheduling, and even how our classrooms are set up. “They” even took our principals away from “late elementary schools,” every Wednesday and Thursday, for administrative meetings, during bus dismissal time, which is when principals are most often needed.

Again, over 30 years in CASD, and NOT until this current administration, did I feel so
stressed and scared that I would be “lauder-milled” - a term abused under this administration where an employee could be suspended (without pay and often with unjust causes) and sent to Human Resources, where they were guilty until they could prove themselves innocent. “They” seemed to enjoy instilling fear in their employees and controlling everything from curriculum to discipline...I mean lack of discipline, which brings me to point 3.

I was appalled and scared at some of the behaviors I witnessed at my elementary school,
especially this past school year (2018-19). These RECURRING behaviors did NOT result in suspensions or much needed disciplinary actions. The students were removed from the classroom for a brief period of time, and then returned back to the general population, with limited or no resources. As a result, instruction was impeded, time and time again.

OHI (Other Health Impairment), SLD (Specific Learning Disability), ED (Emotional
Disturbance), LS (Life Skills), IEP (Individualized Education Plan), ER (Evaluation Report), RR (RE-evaluation Report), LRE (Least Restrictive Environment), Resource Room Support, Supplemental Learning Support, Itinerant Learning Support, Inclusion, “Push In vs Pull Out” Instruction, Co-teaching, Mainstreaming, % In General Education Classroom, Full Continuum, etc...more terminology and acronyms in special education that the average person can understand...
Under this current administration, the district “lost” (they took away/dissolved) the much needed “special” classrooms; i.e. Life Skills, Emotional Support, and most Autistic Support Classrooms. The removal of these special classrooms along with full inclusion resulted in behavior issues (which were not always addressed), frustrating students and teachers alike, and overall chaos. The introduction of full inclusion and co-teaching were rolled out by the current administration with limited and inadequate training for teachers and ALL staff.

I would like to make one final comment before I sign off: CASD special education department has stated time and time again that “CASD has a “full-continuum of services for all disabilities,” and I do not believe that is currently true.


A retired teacher still “fearful”

1 comment:

  1. Every time I hear these First hand accounts, it breaks my heart that so many excellent educators were put in this position & that we have lost countless as a result . . . And it pisses me off that certain board members, some no longer here, just dismissed their voices ~~~ and then extended a 5 year contract to the superintendent!!! How foolish of the board & terrible awful management by the super . . . Our front line, our teachers & staff, and our students have suffered and there’s a whole lot of individuals who should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it to happen!!!
