
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Support CASD's Booster Programs!

One of the many aspects I love about Coatesville are the many extracurricular activities available to our students. From sports teams to music programs to academic teams, arts, and drama, the opportunities abound for students to grow and achieve their goals outside the classroom in addition to their educational efforts during the school day.
Did you know? Very little taxpayer money actually goes to support these many programs? Many of these programs receive significant support from a non-profit booster organization whose purpose is to help support a specific team or group.

So how do you support these organizations and the teams or clubs they sponsor? Attend their events and purchase from their fundraisers, of course! Here are a few examples:

  • When attending a game or sporting event, purchase concessions or spirit wear from the booster club at the game.
  • Watch for opportunities to get Krispy Kreme donuts during sales year-round.
  • Purchase Wawa hoagie coupons from your favorite organization.
  • Attend dine out events where a portion of the cost of your meal goes back to the organization.
  • Make a direct donation to the organization or "sponsor a student"
  • Attend fundraising events and enjoy a fun day or night out for a great cause.

And what kind of benefits happen when you support these organization?
  • Feed students healthy meals during long competition days
  • Purchase of safety and other equipment or materials
  • Refurbishing of district property used by the organization or students
  • Assist students in need with activity fees
  • Provide students with uniforms or clean/repair existing uniforms
  • Supplement transportation provided by the district when needed

Many times, you can support these organizations by doing things you ALREADY DO! And you can save taxpayer dollars while you do it. So the next time you see someone on Facebook sharing an event, or a walk past concessions or a spirit wear table at an event, consider supporting the great booster organizations that help our students have so many extracurricular opportunities to grow!

1 comment:

  1. ❤️ THIS!!! The parents & players work very hard to raise funds which support the organizations & teams in our schools . . . They need your support! It takes a Village ❤️🖤
