
Friday, March 27, 2020

CASD Configurations and Survey

It is probably not a surprise to anyone living in our district that we have to help our District financially by implementing cost-saving strategies and plans. For those of you a bit more intimate with the day to day operation, you know that the district must address the overcrowding at North. Seeing that most of our buildings were built between 1955 and 1968 many of our buildings don’t have sufficient space to support our current population of students. 

On Tuesday, March 10th, 2020, Dr. Dunlap presented nine options for the board to consider on how to configure the buildings to support the needs of the students.  The administration is recommending Option 1 as a “stepping stone” plan to alleviate crowding and provided much-needed space. This would help the District to recover financially and prepare a more long-term facilities plan.

Today, the district released a Building Configuration Survey that will allow our community a voice!  We applaud the district and the board for actively seeking community input. 

Here are a few questions we still have
  1. What condition is North in at this very moment and how much work would it need to continue using it for next year?
  2. If we were to open South, how long would that take to fix up and how much would it cost?
  3. If we could manage to open South, why wouldn't there just be an option to bring all three middle schools back?  
  4. If we do not open South is it possible to do 6th, 7th, and 8th at just Scott and North?
  5. Is it possible to get the capacity number for each of the current buildings being suggested so that we could make a more informed choice? 
  6. How would middle school sports programs run at North with just 7th there? 
  7. Has the district done any kind of analyses on the effect, each option has on busing? (Decreasing busing costs would certainly be a factor in any decision but only if it was taken into consideration now.) 
  8. Further, if we increase the number of buildings, has the district calculated the effect of losing/furloughing 45 employees would have?
PLEASE take some time to fill out the district's survey below!

We would also like to hear from you

  • Which options do you immediately want disregarded? Why?
  • What options do you think are worth considering but you have some questions that need to be addressed for you to be in favor of the option? What questions do you have? 
  • What are the strengths that you see in any parts of the configurations? 
  • What general concerns should the board be considering? 

“Speak up and speak clearly. I want to hear what you have to say because it matters. Let’s listen to each other and respect one another’s opinions.” 
- Felicia Johnson

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