
Thursday, June 25, 2020

School Board Meeting Recap - 6/23/20

Virtual Meeting through Live Stream
June 23, 2020 - 7:00 PM

Here’s the Recap From Tuesday's Board meeting. Note: Ccap is disappointed in the elimination of the director of special education position. We appreciate the concern some board members expressed in the elimination and in wanting to reestablish this position in a few months if necessary; however, we struggled with the decision being made as a financial burden since other options to support the financial burden were available. We could have eliminated two (2) special education supervisor positions (maybe with promoting one (1) of the directors to the role) or the position could have been paid for with the funds realized with the return of only three (3) special education students. These 2 seem to be good solutions.   

But, it’s time to move on. What’s important now is to see how the district reorganizes (or has reorganized) the responsibilities and structure of the six special education supervisors in order to ensure strong oversight of the special education services and programming.

It is important that the district remedies this with a strong alternative to prove to the community that we are dedicated to special education. Dr. Mangan is to present in a future meeting. We look forward to hearing the plan to utilize the current six (6) directors and the director of pupil services in order to help our community regain the confidence lost in our District regarding in our special education services.


Lisa Barnes Requested that the title gym teacher be changed to a physical education teacher in the phased re-opening document to be consistent with the CDC considerations. 

Dawn Barringer stressed the numerous times she has requested for items that are confidential to be available prior to meetings. The lack of availability disallows for the public to have information to engage in public comment. "The practice of these confidential enclosures not being publicly available prior to the meeting is no way in the spirit of transparency and community engagement. Quite the opposite, it leads to mistrust of the administration and board's motives to vote without informing the public at all."

She questioned the $14,500 being paid to the IU for sports or activities. She stated that she considers this to be under the responsibility of the athletics, activities, and compliance director. However, she reiterated that she can't be certain without having the information ahead of the meeting. Again, she stated that the public will not be able to weigh in as the vote will have already occurred. She recognized the inability of the board to discuss legal or personnel matters, which this doesn't seem to fall under. Also, she asked that if it is a safety issue that the board makes that known.

Lyryn Yacoe  requested the board to reconsider the elimination of a special ed director position. 

Karen Hallenbeck requested that the special education director position not be eliminated. She believes the 27% special education population cannot be properly supported by someone in charge of pupil services, and that some kids will not have proper supports. She concedes that although financially it makes sense, it is not in the best interest of any of our students.

Kirsten March shared that she has elementary school students who require special education services.

Kate Furcon – "While our district is indeed struggling financially, it is not in our community's best interest to eliminate the Director of Special Ed position... Please continue to keep this much-needed position to help bring back the many learning support students that have already left our district!"

Melanie Vermilyea  "I am writing to strongly urge you to keep the special education director position...We need to have a strong leader in charge of special education only parents, teachers, and students can form a relationship with and strengthen the trust that they have in the district."

Jennifer Carlin believes eliminating the special education director position is a wrong move for the district which has 27% of our student base with special education. 

Jill Santiago explained her concerns regarding the vote to eliminate the director of special education position. "Considering a large number of students with disabilities in the district, it is important to have a person whose role is focused on special education. This is an area that must be improved in order to retain students in the district from leaving. Someone who can build programming, provide oversight. Make sure there is fidelity, ensure students are making meaningful progress." 

Kerri Verna does not support the elimination of the director of special education position, and the adding of responsibilities to the pupil services director position. She voiced concern that kids who are not in the special education program will suffer. "From my own experience working in the district as a one on one aid to a student on the autism spectrum. I saw firsthand how much time, energy, and attention each child with special needs requires"

Patricia Munilla  advised that the elimination of the director of special education threatens to weaken the support coach will have and continues to have so many struggles with creating a functional and special education supports and the system for all students and teachers. "The decision to eliminate the director of special education position will be a grave mistake and a huge step backward in creating confidence in the schools ."

Dr. Dunlap thanked his staff, the board, and the community for all their support. He stated that he will be transitioning 

He stated that we have six district supervisors with one specifically assigned for out of district placements. He cited numbers for special education for DASD and WCASD and stated that their staff isn't as large as ours. If the position is not absorbed, it would mean more positions would have to be cut because it is already part of the budget.

Fisher, overcome with emotions, thanked Dunlap, and listed upcoming meeting dates.

CASD Health Safety Plan/CASD Athletic Health Safety Plan (Enclosure)—Dr. Richard F. Dunlap, Jr. and Brian Chenger  

Dunlap stated that this is just a draft that was assembled from four documents. It is ever-changing as districts are receiving updated information from multiple agencies. The plan will need to be voted on before the start of the 2020-2021 school year.

Chenger presented information about sports and activities:"As of now, there has not been any determination or announcement about if, when, or how fall sports would be played."

Training will be released next week for all coaches, students, and parents.

Target start date for VOLUNTARY activities is July 6.

Harlan and Finkbohner voiced appreciation for the detailed work of the plan.

Mills noted the length of the plan and also commended Chenger and others for the work.

A.      Financial Statements
RECOMMENDED MOTION:  That the Board of School Directors approve the financial statements and the bills payable list, as presented. (Always pulled)
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0

K .   Resolution for Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note for 2020
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors authorize up to $15 million tax and revenue anticipation notes, series of 2020; awarding the notes at private sale; approving a form of offering memorandum; authorizing incidental action and making certain security and tax representations, and rescinding inconsistent resolutions. (Enclosure-Resolution) (Enclosure- Agreement) (Enclosure-Certificate)
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0

L.   ABM and GCA Contract Amendments
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the contract amendments with GCA Education Services, Inc. for maintenance services and ABM Industry Groups, LLC for custodial services, as presented. (ConfidentialEnclosure—GCA) (Confidential Enclosure—ABM)
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0

M.  Chester County Intermediate Unit – Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities Strategic Plan RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the service agreement with the Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) to facilitate a strategic planning process focusing on the areas of athletics and co-curricular activities at a cost of $14,500, as presented. (Confidential Enclosure-Agreement) (Confidential Enclosure-Proposal)

Dunlap asked Chenger to do a presentation on this but first explained this plan will align with the work needed for the comprehensive plan. An athletic activity strategic plan for the district.was discussed and money was budgeted for the planning this year. 

Chenger - "In my opinion, [this] will be powerful measure to tie our district, and community further together. I also believe that efforts like this could be one of the driving factors to have students return to the district, or just as important I should say - begin with us in kindergarten."

Our extracurricular programming is an area of pride, one that brings in probably the most community members and school visitors to events.

The timeline and development of this plan would be approximately eight to ten months.
  • Identify stakeholder representation for steering committee 
  • Creation of philosophy, mission, vision, and shared values to accurately depict what is important to our overall school community. 
  • Decision-making for extracurricular programs, unifying the district's extracurricular programs K through 12.

Brandon Rhone -Asked about the collaboration with the CCIU and followed up by asking if the collaboration is necessary.

Dunlap explained that in addition to Mr. Chenger there will be a point person helping to facilitate the creation of a plan for extracurricular activities, who will be connected and working with the district side by side in developing this plan.  Dunlap stated that it was not necessary but the process creates a better result.

Amelia Mill shared that with all of the cuts, she is excited about this and it will be fun. 

 Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0


Mr. Chenger - The old turf has been removed and is in bags. He believes the stadium field was finished today. The trucks and equipment have been moved to the multipurpose fields and that is scheduled to be installed on Monday.

Andrew Finkbohner asked if we are still on target for our anticipated timeline.

Mr. Chenger believes it is and scheduled to be finished mid-July.

N.  Austill’s Rehabilitation Services, Inc. Contract—Contract for Services Agreement RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the contract with Austill’s Rehabilitation Services, Inc., to provide occupational therapy and physical therapy services from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, as presented, pending review by the Solicitor. (Enclosure)
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0

O.   Human Resources Report
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the resignations, appointments, new positions, leaves of absence, transfers, changes of status and corrections, as outlined below:
7.      Elimination of Position(s)
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the elimination of the following positions:
1)      One Director of Special Education Position.
Harlan - “As the board knows and a lot of the community members know I have many years of experience working as an advocate for families in Chester County, which means that I have been in every single district in Chester County. From Twin Valley to Unionville, I've worked with all of them. I've worked with all of the directors of special education. Rarely do I work with the director of pupil services. Please let me say that I am not against hiring a director of Pupil Service.

However, I feel that it is with the utmost importance that the Coatesville Area School District has a special ed director. According to the data recorded in 2018/ 2019, our percent of special education students is 25.8%. I feel that if we hire a director of pupil services, the director of pupil services is going to become overwhelmed burned out and not be able to do his or her job effectively. I also feel that with us introducing these new programs. We need someone that can be solely with those programs. We need someone there for our students with IEP s.

We need someone to be able to give their full attention to these new program's teachers, parents, and new students that will be coming to our district. That's our whole goal right, to bring students back? And so not only is our percentage going to go up, if we bring back special education students, we will need somebody that can work together. So let's have a director of pupil services, and let's have a director of special ed, and they can work together because then I feel I know they'll be able to do their job effectively for our students for our staff and for the teachers."

Mills "I'm not opposed to having a director of pupil services that is a specialist in or an expert in special education, but at this time with the budget, and the budget that we have approved.... I believe we can find the right candidate with really good special ed background, who can do the job as Dr. Dunlap said earlier, and the special ed department isn't one person, we have all these supervisors; we have more staff than others. We are bringing back a lot of programs. We believe what we have decided to do was move forward with this position and with the budget, that we're doing the right things, so while I appreciate your [Harlan] beliefs, I don't necessarily agree with them.”

Andrew Finkbohner " I understand the importance and the need for cost-cutting.  When we look at Special Ed, and we talk about the cost to the district for the exodus of children from our district. That's at a rate of $40,000 per student.  Previously we had a director of pupil services, and we had a director of special education we had one of each. And we lost, students to other districts because of our inability to support those students in droves, put us in a situation that we're in. 

I come from a professional career where if you want to expand your eCommerce sales market as a competitive, you don't allocate that towards your sales department. You broaden your horizons; you branch out and you find specialists in that area, those experts’ subject matter, experts who knows the ins and outs of e-commerce sales. And you allow them to do that job effectively and grow that channel, similar to special ed. 

We're bringing back a ton of programming I think that's a great thing I'm on board 100%. But we've talked about in recent memory, the importance of leadership, and having somebody leading that department that is solely responsible for special education. If we keep three students from leaving this district at 40 plus thousand dollars per child, that justifies the salary of the special ed director.  Three students, that's all it takes. And if that means having a proper leadership to make sure that we don't repeat the same mistakes we made before which was removing programming from our district, and not following the programming that we put in place with fidelity. In my opinion, just a very, very, very small impact of the special ed director, to make sure that programs have been holding themselves accountable in their department accountable goes a long way.

I agree with Mrs. Harlan that if we couldn't do it with two separate people before. I don't see how allocating that into one responsibility as we progress further especially with programming coming back."

Keech -  "I see the advantage of having the savings that we've talked about. I'd like to see us take an active role as a board to watch how this progresses. I'm in favor of continuing to look for someone to fill that position with a special ed background, but hearing the concerns of my fellow board members, I think as we go forward, if we find that this is not working, that we may hopefully with some of the students that we anticipate returning that this may be a position that at some point in the future we have to add back in, if it's not working out."

Rhone - " if this position is voted to be eliminated tonight, and we get to a point in October, November, we are seeing a need for this. Determined that there is a definite need for this position, does this have to be a recommendation of the superintendent to bring the position back?"

Dunlap - Stated that is the process and the district would have to have kids come back, to afford to pay for the position. "This about programming, which you didn't have in place. Going forward in the next year, are extra programs. We now have nine different programs coming forward to attract people." 

Bookman - "Thank you, Mr. Dunlap, that because that was one of my concerns, wherever we stand that as far as financially.  But if we made that decision.  But you did have a good point, but I think right now.  It's just hard it's really hard being torn between that." 

Assetto -  "Over the past several months. A lot of research, a lot of time, a lot of effort has gone into really creating a team. When you consider how many special ed supervisors we have hired, we're going to have a team. It's going to be a team effort to support special ed to watch this district. With the programs that we have brought back into this district, that is going to help children with special needs. I feel that we can find a director who can work with that team."

Rhone wanted to confirm that Dr. Mangan will be staying on until the pupil services director position is hired. 

Dunlap confirmed that Dr. Mangan will be in place until Mr. Hanna and team put together a selection committee, go through the hiring process.

Mangan - "Mr. Assetto, I believe you made a very good point. We have spent a great amount of time building a team and refining a team within this pupil services department here and have been working now....with these programs in place and the structures around these programs to support them this will definitely embrace the tide and raise the boats for all the kids in the district. So I really think  we're on a good track with a lot of the things that are rolling already and plans for next year and there are other things that we're working on as well to continue to support the students in this District."
Fisher - "I just want to say the appreciation I have for all the comments that were made this evening and I think it reflects the very deep thinking that has gone in has gone into this so thank you for all of you to for taking the time to express your opinions and moving forward. We'll continue to try to do the best that we can for all of our students."
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 2-7     Andrew, Becky

A.    Student Parking Permit Fee – Coatesville Area Senior High School
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the annual fee of  $100 for a student parking permit at the Coatesville Area Senior High School. Prorated fees will be applied quarterly based on the following fee schedule.
$100.00 – Full Year Parking Pass
$75.00 – 2nd  Quarter to 4th Quarter
$50.00 – 3rd  Quarter to 4th Quarter
$25.00 – 4th Quarter Only
Fisher said he pulled this because he said he was not going to vote for this because it is not fair to the parents or the students during this difficult economic time. 

Bookman acknowledged that everyone is dealing with economic hardship and asked if a fee like this might be able to be sought in the future.

Dunlap explained the money would go into general funds and help with parking lot security.

Rhone asked if any of the money will be allocated for upkeep of the parking lot.

Dunlap explained that kids who pay the fee would sign that they wouldn't be riding the bus. Also, more traffic will be on campus, so funds can go for security.

Keech believes that the fee could be an issue, especially since we are looking at potentially reducing the number of kids on a bus. Kids might not be able to get to school.

Mills asked if there could be a compromise on the fee.

Rhone asked to TABLE with a different fee option later. 

Passed               Failed                   Vote:    1-8 Andrew Finkboner 

H.   Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes—Contract Agreement—10002390
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the Contract Agreement for student 10002390, as presented. (Confidential Enclosure)
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0

I .   CASD Athletic Health Safety Plan
RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the Athletic Health Safety Plan, as presented. (Enclosure)
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0 

Fisher apologized for not reading Katie Hadzor's comment last week. Hadzor pointed out that 33 teachers were cut and we hired a superintendent within the medium pay in Chester County while having the lowest paid teachers in Chester County.

Erin Scheivert wanted to praise the District. She thanked her children's teachers and provided many examples of how the teachers went above and beyond. She also praised the administration for communication through this time. She also appreciated the opportunity to complete surveys. She closed by thanking Dr. Dunlap and the board members for all of their time and asked people considering the school district to choose it. 

Courtney Finlan stated that she was not in favor of the elimination of the special education supervisor.

Audra Ritter, on behalf of CATA, thanked Dr. Dunlap for his leadership and his commitment which "set us on a positive road." 

Board Members thanked Dr. Dunlap and Mr. Linderman for their dedication and service. 

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