
Friday, June 12, 2020

Special Board Meeting Recap - June 9th: Part 2

June 9, 2020


Ann Wuertz: “It was stated at the last meeting that furloughing should have been done over recent years as enrollment decline, therefore making this year painful. I made a public comment stating we gained the financial needs through attrition, and over the five year period, I said it was at least 60, but had to check my notes that number was actually right around 100. So over the five years, the right sizing was being done without furloughing staff.  In our efforts to capture the most kindergarteners in an upcoming school year, and not lose to charter school. In recent years, we have set goals to reach throughout the summer. Do you have a number as of right now that you could share as to how many have registered thus far and how does that compare to the numbers of our kindergarteners already registered in the charter schools?”

B.   Reconsideration of Tabled ItemsRECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors reconsider the following items tabled at May 27, 2020, Board Meeting regarding the job description and the posting of a Non-Certified position for the Purchasing Coordinator/Fiscal Services Specialist; and the posting of a Certified position for the Director of Operations and Facilities for the Coatesville Area School District, as presented. (Enclosure-Purchasing) (Enclosure-Operations) (Enclosure Pending-Chart)

Mr. Fisher wanted to mention that he was the one that originally called for this item to be tabled back in May.  His reason for the tabling was not that he did not approve of these positions, he just did not understand the necessity for these positions for this moment.  But after carefully considering all of the facts, he does find it necessary to have this position.  He went on to say that without approving these positions then the district would have to find a saving somewhere else. 

In addition to that, in the education committee meeting this evening Dr. Dunlap spoke to our board goals, and our operations and facilities. One of our goals was to do the best for our facilities, moving forward and using our facilities wisely and having a person in-house is certainly most necessary in order for that to happen. 
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0

H.  2020-2021 General Fund Budget and Tax Resolution- RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the General Fund Budget and Tax Resolution, as presented, in the amount of $175,900,000for the 2020-2021Fiscal Year with a real estate tax rate of 38.2018 Mills of the assessed valuation, $3.82018 per $100 of assessed value, and a Realty Transfer Tax of 0.5%; an Earned Income Tax of. 0.5%; and a Local Service Tax of $5.00 (no change in these taxes). (Enclosure)

Mr. Fisher removed this from consent to thank Dr. Dunlap, Mr. Linderman, and the entire staff for their tireless work in presenting us with a balanced budget that calls for no act, no tax increase for our community. And being able to achieve one of our goals as a board to establish a no tax increase. 
Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0

G.     Human Resources Report

RECOMMENDED MOTION: That the Board of School Directors approve the resignations, appointments, new positions, leaves of absence, transfers, changes of status, and corrections, as outlined below:

 #1 – B.  Retiring CATA Teachers

1.      Borton, Nadine

2.      Gunlefinger, Margaret

3.      Hinkley, Robert



Passed               Failed           Vote: Not sure of the outcome of this vote

#8 – Creation of New Position(s)


1.      Director of Operations and Facilities


1. Purchasing Coordinator/Fiscal Services Specialist

2. Transportation Specialist



Passed               Failed           Vote: Not sure of the outcome of this vote

#9- Elimination of Position(s) 


1.      Director of Special Education - Request for Table


Mr. Finkbohner requested to table this item: his only apprehension about the positions is that he feels a new superintendent coming in should be able to make decisions about it. Therefore, he asked to table this until the new superintendent, whenever that decision is made can have some input on both of these positions moving forward within their central administration.

Fisher then asked Dunlap if this would affect how we just passed the budget.  Dr. Dunlap said it would if we are looking to add the position back right away after the new superintendent comes in.  

He also added "I believe firmly that you can find someone to be the director of pupil services that has the ability to be able to do both of those jobs. This job with pupil services in the work that was being done there. Even some of the work that normally is found under pupil services was given to the director of special education. I just think you need to be economical in your decision.  And whether you title it, director of special education or director of pupil services, the work of that department can all be accomplished with one person."

Passed               Failed                Vote: 7-2 Harlan and Finkbohnor Yes

The board did NOT vote again to pass this agenda item

CCAP agreed with Finkbohner that the incoming superintendent should have input into the positions in his cabinet. Also, we are concerned that with the high percentage of special education students in our district, it is a stretch for one person to be able to accomplish all that would be asked of this position. 

2. Elimination of the Assistant to the Superintendent position 
Passed               Failed                   Vote:  9-0
#10 - Suspension of Coatesville Area Teacher’s Association Employees
Mr. Fisher pulled this off in order to, on behalf of the entire board, thank all of the personnel listed here for their services to CASD. He stressed that it was a very difficult decision, and one that wasn’t what they wanted to have to do.

Passed               Failed                   Vote: 9-0



Rob Fisher, School Board President shared the update: 

“This evening, I have an update on our current Superintendent search.

The Coatesville Area School Board of directors are pleased to announce that it is coming down to the homestretch in the search for the district's next superintendent of schools.

The district received 21 applications for the position from a diverse candidate pool of experienced superintendents, assistant superintendents, and lifelong educators. Eleven high qualified candidates were invited for a first-round interview.  Of those eleven, five advanced two second-round interviews.

The board is now in the process of meeting with the three semifinalists in person.  Prior to the third round of interviews, the board conducted a reference and background check on each of the three semifinals.  The board is very pleased with the caliber, diversity, breadth, and depth of the candidate pool, and that it has not one but three excellent candidates, at this stage from which to select the district's next superintendent.

During the stay at home orders the board completed rigorous first and second-round interviews, via zoom to determine the degree of fit between the communities’ criteria and the candidates’ professional experiences.   The interview process included questions of an entry plan and a detailed presentation to address the district's most pressing issues.

As a result, the board is confident that we will be able to hire a superintendent who understands our district. One who understands all the dynamics of public education and matches the criteria established by the board, by the community at the focus groups conducted in late February/ early March, and  as reported in the stakeholder survey conducted in April.

We appreciate the community's patience during this highly confidential survey process that was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Thank you for your continued support. Coatesville Area School board of directors intends to announce the next superintendent of the Coatesville Area School District at a public school board meeting in the relatively near future.”

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