
Thursday, October 15, 2020

School Board Meeting recap - October 13th


Virtual Meeting through Live Stream

October 13th, 2020 - 6:00 PM

CASD School Board committees are designed to divide the labor of the board into manageable categories.  As such, board members are better prepared for full board meetings. This ultimately improves the quality of board decision making.

The CASD School Board announced on the CASD website that they would be transitioning to Board Docs starting in August to conduct its business in a more streamlined and efficient manner.

Education Committee Agenda




A. Hybrid Reopening Plan - That the Board of School Directors approve the Coatesville Area School District Hybrid Reopening Plan, as presented. (Enclosure 

Reopening plan

Time Schedule


Oct. 21, 28, & Nov. 4

Asynchronous Wednesdays (full-day non-live instruction days)

November 5th

Staff returns and self-contained classes relocate to home building

November 9th

Students return and 2nd and 4th Wednesdays are asynchronous

Presented Plan Approved 6-2

Structure of the Hybrid


·         Students spilt into three cohorts alphabetically (or with adjustments with numbers or family cases)

·         Smaller pods/ cohorts allows ability to maintain social distancing - reduced positive cases within athletics

·         The cohorts will cycle MT/ WTh/ FM and repeat TW/ ThF/ MT, etc.

·         Families depend on older children for childcare (therefore shift from A/B for K-7 to A/B/C)

·         Students not in person will participate in classes virtually. 

·         Accommodates the goal to serve special education and ELL students four days a week

Other Options Considered

Morning/ Afternoon Split



·         allows kids to come in daily


·         As families looked to return - not enough space to do 50/50 and adhere to social distancing

·         can't afford the additional bus runs

·         not enough in-person instructional time per day

·         childcare


A/B Hybrid



·         allows kids to come in daily


·         not enough space to do 50/50 and adhere to social distancing

·         can't afford the additional bus runs

·         not enough in-person instructional time per day

·         childcare

A-B-C, Virtual, Asynchronous



·         Each cohort once a week


·         Only one full day in person each week


K-7 In person and 8-12 Virtual



·         Younger learners more time


·         Equity concerns for our 8-12 for in person instruction

  • Impact of virus 
    • Staff attendance: Teachers, Administrators, Custodians, Food Services, Secretaries, Aides
  • Leaves for Health and Safety - Government leave programs for employees
  • Substitutes unavailable
  • Budget 

Brief Overview of Cleaning/ Heath and Safety Precautions - (see Board Presentation PowerPoint and the -previously presented reopening plan for more details)

  • Stay home if sick
  • Wear a mask
  • Wash hands
  • Social distance
  • Cleaning throughout the day and at end of day
  • Desk arrangements
  • Documents will be available to help guide people in event of symptoms or exposure
  • Q and A will be released to address questions from staff and community

Quarantine Exposure Plan

  • Harlan asked for clarification for the second waves of special needs students for return.
  • Hanna explained that it would be a struggle to staff with teachers and other staff across the board. He stressed earlier that employees had valid reasons for leave and were eligible under new government covid programs.
  • Various board members asked for clarification of the schedule in order to understand the cohort rotation. 



Comments on Agenda Items- Members of the public wishing to make a comment during a remote (virtual) Board meeting are asked to submit their comments in writing to this email address:

Due to the length of the comments about the plan, we encourage you to watch the video of the meeting.


Finance Committee Agenda


Technology Update - Mike Sobczak, Director of Technology

2019/2020 HP Device Allocation

K-10 student devices


Library units

30 per building

Swap units in buildings

30 per building

PLTW class

12 per PLTW class

Units on hand




*11/12 grade received Dell devices

Devices were collected from buildings when covid hit. Distributed 600 devices during redistribution in April. Total redistribution was 1173 devices. Devices were not recollected for the summer.

2020/2021 HP Device Allocation

K-12 student devices


Repair Queue


Withdrawn Students


Inactive Students






Dell units totaling 300 devices were also distributed to out of district placements and aides, and 666 students are listed as registered to multiple ChromeBooks.

Chromebook Insurance / Repair

2019/2020 repaired


2020/2021 repaired


Total Payout Devices


Total Reported Stolen


Estimated Claims Per Month *


Estimated Claims Per Year *


* This number is an estimate given by the insurance company base on 3 months of data (Feb, July, September.)




Regular Usage (0 to 1.5g)


Heavy Use *




* These devices were converted to unlimited use

Hot spots were not all recorded when handed out, inventory needs to be verified.

The technology team is investigating a new inventory tool and evaluating staffing needs.

Technology Insurance Fee

Per Device

Max Per Household







Comments/Discussion: None


D. ChescoNet - Bandwidth Upgrade - That the Board of School Directors approve the bandwidth upgrade amendment with ChescoNet to increase the District bandwidth from 2Gbps (Gigabits per second) to 6Gpbs at an additional annual recurring rate of $12,000, as presented.

Comments/Discussion: Mr. Fisher asked if this was currently in the budget.  Mr. Sobczak answered that this is coming up now due to results of bandwidth testing. 

Currently we have the capacity for only approximately 400 students and teachers to zoom at once on site.  FCC also has a program currently called Erate.  This program is only open until the end of the month.  If the application is approved, this would provide a discount of 80% of the $12,000. 

  • Mr. Fisher ask if this would be covered by the CARES funding. Lori Diefendorfer responded that she will confirm the funding source.

F. 2021-2022 Budget Calendar - Timeline for Events - That the Board of School Directors approve the budget calendar for use in the 2021-2022 Budget planning process, as presented. (Attachments)

Comments/Discussion: Mr. Fisher commented that this is an urgent concern.

G. 2021-2022 Building Budget Allocations -That the Board of School Directors approve the building budget allocations for 2021-2022 so the building principals and staff may begin the budgeting process, as presented. (Enclosure)

Comments/Discussion: Mr. Fisher commented that he is grateful the building principals once again have say in the budgeting process for their buildings.


Comments on Agenda Items- Members of the public wishing to make a comment during a remote (virtual) Board meeting are asked to submit their comments in writing to this email address:

Operations Committee Agenda



A. Scott Field Project Advertisement Request - That the Board of School Directors approve the request from Scott Field Project to advertise on school property at Scott Field, as presented. (Enclosure)

Comments/Discussion: Brandon thanked the Scott Field project for the wonderful work they are doing.

B. Netflix - Contract for Facilities Use - Pending legal review, that the Board of School Directors authorize the contract with Netflix to use Coatesville Area Intermediate High School as a filming location at a cost of $75,000, as presented.

Comments/Discussion:  John Galloway (assistant manger for the movie "Hustle") presented

A new Netflix film called Hustle, starring Adam Sandler and produced by Sandler and LeBron James, is set to film in Philadelphia is requesting to use CASD's 8/9 gymnasium for a montage.   To use the gym the production company is paying $81,170 and a portion of that will be given in the form of a donation for a new scoreboard in the Intermediate gym.  

Crew members are tested for Covid daily.  The production company is working with a group called "Team Clean".  This company is trained and certified by the American Bio Association so they will be doing a deep clean before filing and a purification of the air for COVID and will happen again after filing is complete. 


Comments on Agenda Items- Members of the public wishing to make a comment during a remote (virtual) Board meeting are asked to submit their comments in writing to this email address:





Comments - Members of the public wishing to make a comment during a remote (virtual) Board meeting are asked to submit their comments in writing to this email address:

  • Larid - Asked  for the board not to vote on an ABC schedule and felt like what was presented was unclear. 2:26 (video) 
  • Ritter - Voiced her concern about the transition as well as the concern about the ABC schedule. She also mentioned that CATA leadership has brought all of their concerns as well as solutions to administration wanting very much to collaborate on this plan.  Finally she requested that the board table this until CATA and the administration habe time to collaborate.   2:30 (video)
  • Alison Scheivert - 10th grade student at CASH praised her teachers for making the beginning of this school year the "best it could possibly be given the situation" 2:32 (video)
  • Channing -   Expressed her concern that this plan does not consider working families or families struggling to provide care on virtual days. This plan does not provide "easy and organized planning for child care providers".   2:34 (video)
  • Manthey -   Asked if the stated chromebook numbers included both Dell and HP units.  Answer – The Dell units were given to 11/12 students last year.  300 units were used again this year for out of district placements and some additional swap units, the rest have been decommissioned.  The quoted numbers in the presentation are for HP units.

    Asked why repairs were being made in house when insurance was already paid for the devices.  Answer - No repairs requiring parts to be ordered have been made in house, only minor repairs such as a key popping off.

    Recommended next year considering insurance payments at the beginning of the school year instead of part way through the year.

    Asked why we need an upgrade to PowerSchool and if this will help the Canvas integration.  Answer - PowerSchool requires payment for upgrades periodically.  Integration with Canvas is not dependent on the PowerSchool version. 
    2:35 (video)



A. Hybrid Reopening Plan - That the Board of School Directors approve the Coatesville Area School District Hybrid Reopening Plan, as presented. (Enclosure)


Brandon Rhone -  wanted to make sure he had his head wrapped around the ABC schedule. He asked if it’s because  of social distancing. 

Hanna-  Yes, at the high school level scheduling had to do with with us facing an availability of space to be able to adhere to social distancing.

Becky Harlan - thanked our special education teachers and aides who have been teaching in person our higher needs population. She expressed disappointed that we could not bring our second wave of students with needs back as was originally planned.

“These students are already behind, and now they will be further behind. We have a population of students that are not able to access their education and shame on us for not wanting them to succeed like their typical peers. I asked you this question, are we providing these students with a free and appropriate education that they are entitled to.”

Harlan also expressed appreciation for Don Magnan’s and Brenda George’s  and their team’s hard work to meet the needs of our students with needs.

Henry Assetto - “I have repeatedly said that I bring a unique and distinct perspective to this discussion. My one and only sister got COVID in April, and suffered terribly for four months, when in August she died.

I cannot at all in good conscience inflict that kind of pain on anyone in this community.  For me, my sister's death, puts a real face on one of the 213,000 Americans who have died during this pandemic.  I believe sincerely, that the risks far outweigh the benefits of opening our schools for just a few days in November and December.  I therefore feel that at this time, I cannot support this plan.”

Amelia Mills - declared that the process has been an incredible challenge with many attempts at a hybrid plan to accommodate students having some face to face time.
She shared that the challenge faced was staffing. 

“I appreciate all the emails that I received, along with my colleagues on the board from teachers and other people in the community.  In the middle of this was impossible to answer you all independently.” Many questioned the details and she hopes the Q and A will help answer questions.

She revealed that some of the board members went into buildings  She enjoyed seeing a virtual teacher teaching from school and in-person children engaged with their teachers and their aides.

She is mindful of concerns and recognizes no plan will make everyone happy.  She told that she would be voting for the plan because she believes “ it's important to get our kids back to school.”

Andrew Finbohner - “I personally am a bit disappointed that will not be bringing our students back.  I've received countless messages from parents of children in the school district. Much to the chagrin of some others in the past I do look on Facebook, with regularity. A lot of my public information comes from people who post on Facebook.  And there's a ton of concerns from parents...It’s tough to balance excelling in academia and keeping our children in our district and our staff safe.”

He informed that a quarter of our students have IEP needs and that this is impacting them. He also thinks case studies support a three to one ratio of difficulty.”

He proceeded to share that it isn’t because of the teachers - it’s just challenging during this time outside of our control. He is concerned about an equitable education across all levels.

He expressed disappointed that we are one if the schools in Chester County not being our students back in October and he declared that he struggled with decision to approve the plan. He stated that he believes the ABC schedule is because of staffing challenges, not space issues. He pointed out that the schedule is unnecessarily confusing for families. 

“I don't think there's any right or wrong answer to this equation and Miss Mills who said it eloquently: We're not going to please everybody... no decision we make is going to be popular with everyone. But it is a decision that I can honestly say that all nine board members, and the administration, but more specifically the nine board members-  We're not taking this decision lightly. This is something that, to the point where there were several board members who walk through buildings, so we could first hand and I'll touch on this a little bit firsthand what the conditions to the buildings were looked at classrooms. We don't take this this this this decision lightly and I think that goes with that.”

Rob Fisher - agreed that Finkbohner and Mills eloquently stated what he was thinking. 

“First and foremost, I will be voting to move this plan forward. But I will be voting to move the plan forward with a caveat and that is that we need to continue to look at the many concerns that happened presented to us, not just this evening but throughout the emails and throughout the public comments. And with that said, I can't begin to thank our administration, Mr Hanna and his team, building principals, teachers, and I could go on and on for all their hard work in  trying to come to some kind of solution.“

Brandon Rhone - questioned if lunch and breakfasts are served in classrooms. 

Mr. Hanna -replied breakfast is typically served in classrooms, lunch in lunch rooms.

Amelia Mills - “ When we walked through the buildings, we saw the Plexiglass. We have wonderful staff that built these plexiglass dividers for the cafeterias, and they weren't plexiglass dividers, run of the mill, they were great works of art. And I want to give a shout out to the people in our organization that made them, because they help us with Andy and I went and looked at them to feel more comfortable about the kids eating in the cafeteria together. So thanks for letting me jump in.”

Brandon Rhone - included a snapshot of the struggles of one of his children with the virtual environment and acknowledged his other child does pretty well.

He also communicated that from his perspective from his professional work of traveling around the country and in school buildings over the last several weeks and months, he is
confident that this transition can be successful. 

He affirmed that we are doing similar measures and structuring like other schools where it’s working. 

Stated that there will be many times where things will need to be adjusted, but the district will continue adapt as needed, as many times as necessary.  He noted that he understands the frustration the district may have when multiple changes are made, but hopes the community will understand that the district makes these changes in an effort to do the best they possibly can.

James Bookman - Thanked the community and colleagues. Noted the district researched in depth to try to follow all the guidelines of covid-19 and beyond.  He also noted the struggle with children doing virtual instruction, as well as the teachers.  Noted the intense decision making process the board went through to come to this decision.

Passed              Failed                   Vote: 7 -2 Assetto and Harris No



Informational Items 

Andrew Finkbohner - Reported he, Mr. Assetto and Miss Mills did a very in depth walk-through of each of the school buildings.  They checked, in detail, everything including classrooms, transitional periods, hallways, cafeterias, high touch points, what quarantine rooms look like, down to what the cleaning materials and equipment were.  He asked the community to understand the extent to which the board is invested.  Noting the detailed research and time investment, in order to make sure the district is prepared for students and staff to come back. 

He stated the buildings are appropriately ready at this point, noting continued vigilance to keep them safe, maintaining cleanliness and replenishing supplies.  

Amelia Mills - Noted especially the quarantine rooms in each building, prepared for symptomatic students.  Stated adjustments in buildings were being made as necessary.  Noted how helpful the CARES money has been.

Henry Assetto - Prayed that everyone in this school district will be safe, and that everyone will be able to learn and to function. 

Adjourned at 8:54pm.

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