
Thursday, November 12, 2020

School Board Meeting Recap: November 10th


Virtual Meeting through Live Stream

November 10, 2020 - 6:00 PM

CASD School Board committees are designed to divide the labor of the board into manageable categories.  As such, board members are better prepared for full board meetings. This ultimately improves the quality of board decision making.

You can watch the entire thing on CASD's YouTube

Education Committee Agenda 


A. Practicum Experience - Megan Murray- That the Board of School Directors approve the request for Dr. Christopher Jahnke to mentor Megan Murray for her Principal's Practicum as part of the Administrative Certification Program at Immaculata University, as presented. (Enclosure) 


B. Revised ATSI Plans- That the Board of School Directors approve the revisions made to the ATSI Plans for Rainbow Elementary School, Reeceville Elementary School, Coatesville Intermediate High School, and Coatesville Area Senior High School, as presented. (Enclosures)


C. Student Teacher Placements- That the Board of School Directors approve the following student teacher placements, as presented.  


D. Resolution - PDE Signatures - That the Board of School Directors approve the resolution authorizing Tomás Hanna, Superintendent for the Coatesville Area School District, to sign electronic agreements with the PA Department of Education (PDE), as presented. (Enclosure)


E.  95% Group Training Proposal - That the Board of School Directors approve the proposal from 95 Percent Group Inc. for professional development at a cost of $3,800, as presented (Enclosure)


Mr. Assetto requested Mr. Hanna to speak about the transportation situation.

Hanna began with an apology for the operational failure. He recognized that so many were disappointed and explained that it was a key priority for the District to return students to in-person hybrid learning. He advised that they want to find solutions that are equitable and acknowledged that they must do a better job communicating. He explained that the district delivered the bus runs to Krapf late, and the problem was  compounded by nationwide bus driver shortage, and the ABC hybrid schedule. He declared that he did not want to give excuses, emphasizing that this shouldn't have happened. He explained that CASD followed the audit recommendation from Pennsylvania Associates of School Business Officials to reduce buses, but that this was known in the spring. He stressed that it was inappropriate for them to make the announcement at 9:00 the night before children were to return to school. They did make every effort over the weekend to find an immediate solution. The schedules just weren't right; therefore, he stands by the decision that the health and safety of the students was most important.  He again interjects that it absolutely should not have happened.

He posed the question “What are we doing now?” 

They will analyze schedules with Krapf using an additional resource Krapf has shared to help. They routed all students in order to reduce turnaround if a family decided for a virtual student to return to hybrid. They will be doing a deep analysis of the transportation department: proper staff, processes, guidance, and support. 

He committed to informing community and parents on Wednesday of plans moving forward, stressed he wants to be honest, and the transportation problem is a very complex situation.  He apologized directly to the students who were unable to return to the buildings.  He stated better communication is needed in general and personally.  They want the solution to be the best it can be, but they are still working through schedules with students who are currently in buildings.  He restated the commitment of daily updates to the community.


  • Student Enrollment - It is important to see what the enrollment looks like in the future to give the board and the public a sense of what it means from a financial perspective. (Enclosure—CASD) (Enclosure—Charter) 



Comments on Agenda Items- Members of the public wishing to make a comment during a remote (virtual) Board meeting are asked to submit their comments in writing to this email address:

Mike Festa – Septa Inquiry 23:28 

Mrs. Muhammad – CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 24:21 

Stephanie Runyeon – Private School Family about Transportation Mishap 25:28 

Rodgers Family - Private School Family about Transportation Mishap 27:02 

Danielle Diaz – Confusion About Communication 30:21 

Riane Singer - Septa Inquiry 31:49 

Betty Cooper – CASD Parent Concerned about No In-Person learning 32:20 

Crystal Vitale – CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 33:03 

Jennifiner Glodek - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 34:20 

Richard & Cynthia Franck - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 35:08 

Howard Shortlidge - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 36:17 

Waldo Villca - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 36:35 

Jennifer Holms – Parent concerned about communication and Transportation Mishap 37:01 

Omar and Danielle Diaz - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 37:53 

Magaly Martinez – CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 38:26 

Matthew Gordon - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 39:14 

Gina Keeler - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 42:35 

Viannette Torres-Rivera - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 43:46 

Alison Perez - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 46:11 

Kevin Tolls - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 47:26 

Fran Ota - Private School Family about Transportation Mishap 48:23 

Jennifer Grub – Charter School parent about Transportation Mishap 52:04 

Rob Slane – Charter School parent about Transportation Mishap 55:10 

Sandra Brown – KHE Parent Concern about cancelling in person learning 55:45 

Brenda Ball – Reeceville Parent concerned about long hours 56:52 

Emily Carlisle– CCS parent not waiting her child on the bus with Coatesville Kids 57:43 

Jennifer Kelly – CASD parent very upset Transportation Mishap 58:12 

Brittany Marsh – Private or charter parent concerning Transportation Mishap 1:00:06 

Nariyah Wilson – Jr. Class cabinet president concerned about our district is communicating. 1:00:55 

Greg Persch - CASD Parent Concerned about No In-Person learning and bad communication 1:03:31  

Rachel Kehrer - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 1:04:06 

Darla Gibson- Parent concerned about the states of the district 1:05:03 

Sandra Brown – KHE Parent wants to know if they can drive their child to school. 1:07:13 

Jessica Gensamer-Arena - CASD very disappointed about the timing of communication and not in-person learning. 1:08:30 

Linda Laird – CASD parent Concerned about in-person learning 1:13:40 

Charlie Dickinson - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 1:18:19 

Lori Brown - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 1:20:37 

Ronda Stone – North Parent want to ask to remain virtual 1:22:50 

Jennifer Borneman – CASD parent who wanted to thank the teachers in our district but concerned about the transpiration. 1:24:13 

Jen Fanelli - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 1:26:40 

Mrs. Siddiqui – Private or charter parent concerning Transportation Mishap 1:28:00

Fisher shared that he asked for the comments to be read during education committee because committee meetings are working sessions.

He started with addressing the PASBO Survey – PASBO completes transportation studies throughout the state and their findings were released in the spring providing many alternatives. The board dismissed some of the recommendations immediately. One of those never considered at all was the suggestion to use Septa or public transportation to transport any students in the school district area. Another suggestion was to eliminate 50 buses. The board determined that instead 15 buses eliminated would allow the district to save $750,000.

Speaking on behalf of the Board: “The role of a school board is to govern and a part of governing is to assure accountability.” Last week the board received emails by non-CASD parents notifying them of concerns that their children would be getting on the bus at 5:45am. Based on the safety and well being of all students, that was unacceptable. Other items that they heard were unacceptable as well. The district was able to provide a different schedule for the charter and private students. After hearing the comments, Fisher stated that they still have a lot of work to do.

Saturday at 4:00 pm, the Board learned that Scott Sixth Grade Center students didn’t have busing home. Mr. Hanna was immediately directed to reach out to the Scott Families. Again, Fisher cited that it was unacceptable. At 3:00 on Sunday, Hanna communicated to Fisher that CASD was short eleven bus drivers by Krapf. He explained that at 3:00, Hanna believed he could work with Krapf for a solution. Hanna later called Fisher and said that they were six drivers down. Fisher called for an executive session at 7 pm. The board learned that at least six bus routes would not be able to occur. One option was to have a second run dispatched to which Fisher said was unacceptable. The board determined that there was no way that school could open on Monday.

He shared how heartbreaking the thoughts were of the kids preparing and excited to return to school for the first time in eight months. It didn’t happen and that’s unacceptable, he lamented. Fisher apologized to all of CASD, charter, and private school students for the district letting them down. He also apologized to the faculty, staff and parents, outlining the problems each faced with this unacceptable decision. He reiterated that the well-being and safety of the students was paramount.

Fisher pointed out that communication must be improved and returning contact is necessary. Moving forward, they must have a clear and concise plan. Within 24 hours, they will determine if the plan is clear and concise. They have had eight months, so this is unacceptable. He shared that he is not optimistic based on the comments from parents.

In closing, he shared that the nine board members and Hanna have been agonizing over the situations for the past 48 hours plus.

Finkbohner thanked Fisher for summarizing how all members of the board felt. He also agreed that Fisher used the accurate word, unacceptable. He shared that this isn't what he envisioned when running as a board member to redirect the school. This is not the new direction they should be taking. The problem is the problem and they need to stay solution based, Finkbohner provided. Everything should be over communicated. All students must have the proper and safe transportation to whichever learning facility they are attending. He was clear that every person should know exactly the transportation information for his/her child. He explained that with all of the variables of Covid, the last thing the district should be doing is giving the kids one more obstacle. Kids need to be in school. He again agreed with Fisher and repeated that this is unacceptable. The children's wellness and safety has to be most important. He verified that he too believes they failed and personally apologized and promised to do what they can to fix it. 
Harris apologized as well to the families for it being unacceptable. She feels even worse for the students who have not been able to begin in person. She heard the comments and felt them; she knows that it hurt the parents. She stated that things are going to get better.

Bookman also wanted to apologize to everyone: students, parents, and teachers. He too finds this unacceptable. He was angry hearing the comments, and it is unacceptable for parents to not hear back from administrators. The board was unhappy and is moving forward to correct the problem. He thanked the parents for the comments. He too stressed the need for better communication.

Rhone didn't want to be redundant. He wanted to let the community know that the Board's actions will speak louder than any words spoken. He understands the lack of trust towards the Board and Administration, and he recognized that it is earned. He too apologized and believes that this team will heal this wound.
Assetto stated that he joined the board to start a new vision and determination to return the District to what it once was. He affirmed that he is pleased with all of the improvements that the Board has made: new superintendent, curriculum work, reinstatement of special education services. He spent the weekend communicating with his constituents and implored community members to keep watching and put trust in them; they are trying to move forward.
Fisher closed with circling back to what Hanna had stated. He wanted to ensure that it is the Administration's goal to have a concrete answer in 24 hours. 
Hanna stated that in 24 hours they would be transparent with the public and let them know where the District stands.  

Fisher cleared up some points in the comments. The District does not have $100,000 sitting aside to be used on athletic facilitates. Two artificial surfaces and a track, deemed unsafe for students, were replaced using money in a fund that can only be used for improvement to facilities. 

Finkbohner wanted to revisit a reoccurring theme: PASBO survey. He stated that this is a result of poor financial planning over the past several years. This was an attempt to save money without cutting educational services, resulting in not having to increase taxes for the first time in a long time. 

Rhone shared for a point of clarification that the Board is not an outside group. Each board member is a community member. Some have children, others have grandchildren, but they have a vested interest and are in the same struggles.

Finance Committee Agenda


2021-2022 School District Budget Update - Tomás Hanna and Lori Diefenderfer (Presentation)

Mr. Hanna reviewed charter school vs public school enrollment as well as fund balance history from the previous board meeting.

Ms. Diefenderfer presented data pertaining to the resolution calling for charter school funding reform, as shown below.

The chart shows 2019 school year data from school reports to PDE.  For the 2019 school year, the special education rate per student for CASD was $34,041, second highest in the county.  Collegium actual cost per student was $11,581.  Ms. Diefenderfer noted that special ed costs for all charter schools (shown in the first chart) do not come close to what Coatesville is paying.

Ms. Diefenderfer explained that approximately 30% of the calculated special ed rate is the "regular ed" portion and 70% is the special ed portion.  Using those percentages, referencing what CASD paid collegium in 2019, CASD paid over 12 million in special ed costs, approximately double what was actually spent on special ed students.

Projected costs for 2020/2021 CASD overall budget show revenue and expenditures to be $175,900,000.  She noted they are watching the state area of the budget because currently the state property tax reduction and social security subsidy were both shorted.  They do anticipate the state will complete the payments.  Additional Covid costs have so far been covered under grant money.

Mr. Hanna reviewed the building a budget slide from the last board meeting, noting the largest category is 37% of the budget in support of other schools, higher even than staffing at 36%.

Mr. Hanna stated they recommend the board use a time frame that stays within the act 1 index of 3.9%.

Fisher - Assured families that this board believes all parents have the right to educate their children wherever they choose.  The problem is the funding formula.  Asked for clarity on special ed costs in the slide shown.

Diefenderfer - Collegium spent an average of $11,581 per student and CASD was charged $34,041 per student.

Fisher - This is not a dislike of charter schools.  This is a funding problem.  We need to let our legislators know that this in an unfair funding process.  (Use this link to find and contact your local legislators)

Keech - Noted we are the second highest rate in the county for special ed costs.  Why aren't all schools paying the same amount per student?  Additionally noted Coatesville is not allowed, per funding formula, to take total spent divided by students using it.  Maximum allowed is 16%, but Coatesville has 25% special ed students.  This results in a 30% mark up for Coatesville because we can't use the actual number of students.  Funding formula has to change.  We cut programs and spend less but our costs still remain at the top of the chart.

Finkbohner - Equitable education is the bottom line.  This formula causes incredible inequity.  For every student in a charter school there is an indirect inequitable impact to the students in the CASD.  This is no fault of anyone, a district child, no matter what school, deserves a fantastic education.  They deserve to be put in a situation where they can better themselves and be successful in life.  The formula needs to change to allow every child the same educational opportunities in any school.


B. Resolution Calling for Charter School Funding Reform - That the Board of School Directors approve the Resolution Calling for Charter School Funding Reform. The resolution calls upon the General Assembly to meaningfully revise the existing flawed charter school funding systems for regular and special education to ensure that school districts and taxpayers are no longer overpaying these schools or reimbursing for costs the charter schools do not incur, as presented. (Enclosure)


C. Data Specialist Job Description - That the Board of School Directors approves the job description for the Data Specialist position, as presented. (Enclosure)


F.  Forecast5 Analytics, Inc. - Additional Features - That the Board of School Directors approve the customer agreement with Forecast5 Analytics, Inc. for 5Cast License Agreement, 5Cast Plus, and 5Cast Support Fee for fiscal year 2020-2021 at a total cost of $9,406, as presented. (Confidential enclosures.) 


Finkbohner - Asked for details on benefits of the program.

Diefenderfer - Among others, look at revenue and expenses, allow analysis and budget planning, presentations, negotiation planning, salary benchmarking, staffing and enrollment analysis, student growth, transportation analysis.

Finkbohner - Cost is prorated?

Diefenderfer - Yes, prorated.

J.  Repository Sale - That the Board of School Directors approve the repository sale as recommended by the Chester County Tax Claim Bureau of the following parcel, as presented..(enclosure) 



Comments on Agenda Items- Members of the public wishing to make a comment during a remote (virtual) Board meeting are asked to submit their comments in writing to this email address:

Ann Wuertz 2:30:30
Bussing question as a tax payer and former board member.  15 busses eliminated last year, knowing this could cause issues.  Communication should have been done sooner.  When reverting to the original plan, did you add back the 15 busses?  How will you make up the $750,000?  How did you expect 15 drivers could be reassigned in one weekend?  When, if at all, were the bus routes approved this year?  They were previously voted on and approved by the board every August.

Operations Committee Agenda



A. Backstreet Pictures, LLC – Agreement for Facilities Use for Additional Date - That the Board of School Directors ratify the agreement with Backstreet Pictures, LLC to use Coatesville Area Intermediate High School as a filming location for an additional date on November 6, 2020, at a cost of $3,000, as presented. (NO Enclosure)


B. Everase Corporation - White Board Installation at North Brandywine Middle School - That the Board of School Directors approve the quote from Everase Corporation for the turnkey installation of 587 linear feet of Everase Dry Erase High-Gloss Resurfacing material at a total cost of $15,849 and 16 Everase Dry Erase Magnetic Panels at a total cost of $912 at North Brandywine Middle School, as presented. (NO Enclosure)


C. Bonnett Associates Inc. - Architectural and Engineering Services - That the Board of School Directors approve the proposals from Bonnett Associates Incorporated for architectural services for flooring replacement at Reeceville Elementary School at a fixed fee of $13,500; engineering services for air conditioning system evaluation at Reeceville at a fee not to exceed $5,000; and architectural services for accessibility alterations at Caln and East Fallowfield Elementary Schools at a fee not to exceed $28,000, as presented. (NO Enclosure) 


Bookman – Wanted to know when this was supposed to take place.

Hanna - Said that the reason we want to bring in this company is to ensure that the floor replacement at Reeceville is done properly, as well as evaluate the air conditioning system.  Looking at doing this in the summer.  The accessibility alterations at Caln and East Fallowfield to make handicap accommodations better are ongoing and immediate.

D. Clean as a Whistle, Inc. - Project Cleaning Proposal for Reeceville Elementary School - That the Board of School Directors ratify the proposal from Clean as a Whistle, Inc. for project cleaning at Reeceville Elementary School on November 4-5, 2020, at a cost of $4,200, as presented. (NO Enclosure) 


Brandon – Wanted to explain that ratifying a proposal is for work that is already being done.  Example, the comment earlier about Reeceville not being in shape for students.  This work was completed on the 4th and 5th to get the building ready for students.  That work is now finished and will be ratified on the back end.

E. Fred Beans Ford of West Chester – Purchase of Box Truck – State Contract Purchase - That the Board of School Directors authorize the purchase of a 14-foot box truck with liftgate from Fred Beans Ford of West Chester through PA COSTARS #025-013 in the amount of $42,651.47, as presented. (Confidential enclosure.) 


Brandon – The reason for this purchase is due to the great amount of equipment that has to get moved from one building to another.  The cost savings of this was significant vs repeatedly renting a box truck. 

F. Scott Field - Press Box Dedication - That the Board of School Directors approve the dedication of the press box at Scott Field to the Kirk Family, organizers of the Scott Field Project, in recognition of their organization and dedication to improve the Scott Field Facility, as presented. (Enclosure) 


Brandon – Thanked the Scott field project and appreciates all they have done for the field and says this is a good opportunity to recognize the Kirk family for all their hard work.

Chenger –This was something he believed Dr. Taschner, our past Superintendent, did for the Kirk's back in 2017; it was never board approved so we just want to make sure that it went through the proper channels, and just thanking Scott field project for their efforts in improving that facility.

Bookman – Wanted to thank the Kirk family and the organization for everything they did, greatly appreciated. 


Comments on Agenda Items- Members of the public wishing to make a comment during a remote (virtual) Board meeting are asked to submit their comments in writing to this email address:


Policy Committee Agenda

Fisher - No presentations, no agenda items.  Informational item: Policies 400 and 500 were merged into the 300s. Asked Hanna to discuss the rationale behind the merger.

Hanna – Explained this was a public question comment because it looked like policies 400 and 500 disappeared.  CASD is a member of PSBA and the board policies are driven by their guidance. Policies 400 and 500 mirrored one another because they were looking at different categories of employees. 300 is administrative employees, 400 professional employees and 500 classified employees. So PSBA consolidated these policies into the 300s. Mr. Hanna noted it was important to bring that to the attention of the public and acknowledge what happened with those policies.









A. Financial Statements - That the Board of School Directors approve the financial statements/bills payable list, as presented. (Enclosure)  *ALWAYS HELD FROM CONSENT AGENDA*

 Passed               Failed                  Vote:  9-0

B. Resolution Calling for Charter School Funding Reform - That the Board of School Directors approve the Resolution Calling for Charter School Funding Reform. The resolution calls upon the General Assembly to meaningfully revise the existing flawed charter school funding systems for regular and special education to ensure that school districts and taxpayers are no longer overpaying these schools or reimbursing for costs the charter schools do not incur, as presented. (Enclosure)  *Held for Roll Call Vote*  

Passed               Failed                  Vote:  9-0

G. & H.  Human Resources Report &Addendum - *ALWAYS HELD FROM CONSENT AGENDA*

 Passed               Failed                  Vote:  9-0


Katherine Clark – CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 2:58:35

Chris Caripides – CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 2:59:11

Yael Delgado – CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 3:00:05

Kristina Kraft – CASD parent wanting communication about rising covid cases 3:01:44

Adriana DiNenno – Parent concerned about bus times being so early 3:03:51

Dr. Jennifer Chrisman – CASD Parent wanted clarification on co-horts and who starts on Monday. 3:04:50 

  • Fisher then interjected and asked Mr. Hanna if cohort C was the one starting on Monday 11/16 and the schedule would stay the same and Mr. Hanna confirmed.

Kirsten March – Upset about the communication about transpiration and no school Monday 3:05:30

Hannah Kaptur – CASD Parent asking about school not starting because of rising Covid cases. 3:06:08 

  • Fisher asked Hanna to present those numbers at the end

Anallely Delgadillo Lara - CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 3:07:22

Nicole Tunney – CASD parent mad about her son not getting the services he needs. 3:08:47

Christy Dunlap – Private School Family about Transportation Mishap 3:10:19

Nicole Batt – CCS Family about Transportation Mishap 3:13:15

  • Fisher interjected again and said that the board met with Krapf executives and there is a bus driver shortage. Many of their drivers are elderly or retired people who have decided not to risk their lives driving the buses. In addition, some of the drivers are young mothers, who have the obligation of childcare. Stating "Let’s call it fair where it is fair. In communication with Krapf they openly admitted that there is a bus driver shortage.”

Rachel and Bob Massaro – Private School Family about Transportation Mishap 3:16:31

Erin Scheivert - CASD parent who wanted to offer solutions 3:18:51

Informational Items 

  • Mr. Hanna did not provide any COVID case update. 
  •  Mr. Fisher shared a story about his granddaughter's 3rd grade teacher. He overheard the teacher taking time to explain the unfortunate bus situation to the students. The teacher expressed that other districts have issues as well and that what we do with those problems is what counts, assuring the students we would continue to work hard.

    Mr. Fisher was greatly appreciative of the time this teacher, as well as others, took to explain things to students and acknowledge that Coatesville is not the only place that has problems.

    Mr. Fisher added that at the end of day the teacher told his class to go outside, play, be a kid and then go home and hug people that helped get you through the day.

    Mr. Fisher expressed his heartfelt thanks to Mr. Chalfant, as well as other teachers, for these sentiments.

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