
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Meet Philip Roomet, Region III WRITE-IN Candidate

Name: Philip Roomet

Age: 42

Campaign Facebook Page: See Here

Website: N/A

Education: Octorara High School, Carson Long Military Academy

Family Life:  Married 5 years, with one daughter and another baby on the way.

Occupation & Background: Currently a carpenter
at Forest Ridge Builders, (8+ years) Spent 20+ years working in kitchens as a chef.

Why are you running for the Board of Education? If elected, what will be your priorities?

I am running so I can assure a better educational experience for our children. I feel that student well-being, gender equality, and focused educational needs are my top priorities.

In what ways have you served or currently serve our community?

Most recently I served as a Boy Scout leader and board member for Troop 135. I also try to be an active voice in my community by challenging the decisions made on behalf of said community.

Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the board of education?

I feel that the concerns of the parents and students are being heard but not addressed or acted upon. Being an honest voice for the parents and students means making sure the board addresses and acts on these concerns appropriately.

What is the formula for a good educational experience for our youth?

I believe that a healthy mind is the first step to a quality education. Individual breakdowns of a student’s educational needs can be used to better organize the classrooms and more uniformly accommodate similar learning styles.

How will you engage the community to improve public schools in the district?

I hope to engage the community by being openly available. This will allow me to gather the input needed to bring the true voice of the parents and students to the board.

What is your view of the role of charter schools in public education? What is your position on charter schools?

Because there are no two students that are alike, I feel there is a place for alternative educational
facilities. My preference would be to see these facilities as an option within the school district’s
regular educational plan - for example, expanded curriculum options, a broader view of what is
considered a "required" course, as well as making sure the staffing is adequate. As for my personal
position on charter schools, as long as there are other options provided in the public school system
those options should be looked at and evaluated on an individual level.

How does a school board balance the need to provide a quality education with the need to respond to the local taxpayer burden?

It is the Board's responsibility to provide the tools necessary for quality education. Accountability
and transparency are needed to show the taxpayer how their tax dollars are being spent. Ideally
the taxpayer shouldn’t feel as though they are burdened, instead they should feel as though they
are part of the educational system by helping lift the students up to their best educational selves
through funding. Our school taxes are an investment. I would never invest in a product that I
couldn't track and neither should anyone else.

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