
Monday, December 30, 2019

District Communication

Today’s blog post is asking for your input.  We’d love to hear from community members, parents, and students. 

We are interested in hearing from you suggestions for the district to improve communication to community members, parents, and
students.  Currently, the district has its webpage, a Facebook page, Twitter page (and schools each have their own accounts).  CASD also utilizes emails and automatic calls. 

Please tell us how you learn about school information.

As parents please share how you seek answers to your questions regarding your child’s school/activities. 

What suggestions do you have for the district? What improvements would you like to see? What is the district doing well?

Please share your opinions on district communication with us! 


  1. Thank you! What suggestions do you have regarding the website?

  2. I use the website and Facebook. I think the school website for 7/8 needs sports team practice/game schedules and coach names and contact info. It would be great if more teachers used the remind app to let parents know about upcoming tests and assignments. Some do and some don’t. Consistency would be nice. Love the Monday morning messages with updates.
