
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Fall is Ending - Looking Toward the New Year.

School Board - We began this blog in April with a series about the School Board.  Not only do these school board directors represent you as taxpayers, they also make  significant decisions about your children's education and your tax dollars. During this School Board Series we were beyond thrilled to have ALL of the inbound board members participate as we introduced them to our community. 

CCAP would like to WELCOME all the new school board members who will be sworn in on Tuesday:

Continuing to Serve - Henry Assetto (Region II)

We also want to thank the outgoing board members for their service. We especially want to thank Rob Marshall. Mr. Marshall tirelessly served his term with integrity and an open mind. It is no secret that many of us here at CCAP were concerned when he was appointed, but Mr. Marshall quickly won everyone over. He sought information to understand the problems of the district and he wasn’t afraid to question anything that did not seem authentic.

Hearing from you - Recently we put out a post on our Facebook for new blog topics.  We have heard you and we are working on those wonderful suggestions.  Please keep them coming.  CCAP values the input from the community and the topics you are interested in learning more about. 

One of those topics was an update on how the new interim superintendent Dr. Dunlap is doing. It seems as if Dr. Dunlap will be addressing some hot topics himself on a CASD’s Facebook live. According the the district’s Facebook post, “He will be discussing the budget, town hall proposals, and his plan for the district in the New Year.”

We encourage community members to email questions for him at

CCAP and the District - CCAP leaders have met with Dr. Dunlap both as a community liaison and as members of the technology team. At this time, we simply do not have enough information or data to evaluate Dr. Dunlap’s performance. However, here are some key areas that have given us optimism regarding his leadership:

  • Team Approach: 
Dr. Dunlap discusses plans in relation to his team. He is meeting regularly with other administrators in order to approach district matters with his team. He speaks of his employees as a leader who respects them and their opinions. We witnessed his interaction with some administrators and noticed that he asked for their input, considered it, and made a decision based on that input. 

  • Communication:
Dr. Dunlap’s presentations and frank words already reveal more communication regarding issues of importance than the community received from our former superintendent. This also speaks to his team approach as he and his leadership team sit on the floor of meetings and present information together.  Additionally, Dr. Dunlap established some core groups to work with him on initiatives for improvement. CATA representation was invited (and accepted) to participate at these meetings for the first time in several years.

  • Planning:
Dr. Dunlap has all of the year’s board meetings topics planned. The information is shared with the school board so that they can begin the ownership of establishing agendas for meetings. Planning is critical as the last several years we’ve found that the board was handed important topics for voting in the final hours. It put them in a precarious position to vote on topics in order to avoid penalties or without being provided enough or accurate information to make educated votes. Some examples of the last minute items were the opening of a 6th Grade Center, the opening of the 7/8 Center, the ATSI plan, the CASD Improvement Plan, the accepting of the Tmobile Grant / rolling out the Chromebooks, the discipline code, and the course selection guide.
Two events of importance this week that we want to highlight:

Monday, December 2, 6 pm - Dr. Dunlap’s Facebook Live on the CASD Facebook Page

Tuesday, December 3, 6 pm - School Board Organizational Meeting at the 11/12 Auditorium

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