
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Ask Mr. Hanna

CASD did a wonderful job already introducing Mr. Hanna to our community.  The video and his discussions at board meetings have provided us with a snapshot of his priority to help us improve our District. We heard his commitment to putting in the work, which might be messy at times, and engaging with the community. All of those conversations have been very academic in nature. However, if you had the opportunity to see Mr. Hanna’s “Turn it on Thursday,” you already had a glimpse of his personality. 

We wanted to help introduce Mr. Hanna to the community in a less formal, less academic manner. We are so appreciative that he took the time to answer our questions in the midst of his never ending  to do list so our community could to get to know him a little bit more.

How would your 10-year-old self react to what you do?

My 10-year-old self would probably nod his head and say, “Sounds like a pretty big deal that you are trying to help students get a great education.”


How do you motivate yourself?

I motivate myself by thinking about what success looks like. To do this it is important to set a vision, develop goals and strategies that are focused on the result. I am also motivated by helping people. 


Have you ever been mistaken for someone famous?

I have not.


If you could have any super human power, what would it be?

The ability to time travel. 


What would someone be surprised to learn about you? 

As a college student I was part of a photoshoot that made the front page of the weekend insert of the local newspaper. 


What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?

Hearing from a friend or family checking in to be sure I am okay. 


What activity instantly calms you?

Peace, quiet, and a great cup of coffee. 


What is your favorite food?

Such a difficult question! A really good steak with just the right sides – mashed potatoes and mushrooms.


What's the phone app you use most?

News and Twitter 


What do you do on your commute to/from work since you drive here from Philly?

If not on calls, I will listen to news – KYW and/or NPR. 


Which famous person in history (dead or alive) would you want to spend the day with?

Nelson Mandela to learn how to persevere through injustice while not losing sight that there is good in all people. 


What song describes your life right now?

Temptations – “Get Ready!”


Do you prefer books or films?


 Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Dogs – Rocky is our 2-year-old Labradoodle

Do you prefer sweet or savory?



Do you prefer Alexa or Siri?



Would you prefer to always be slightly late or always be an hour early?

On time, but probably an hour early. 


Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or would you rather go to the future to meet your descendants?

I’d like to meet my ancestors to thank them for making my life possible.


Why did you want to come to Coatesville? 

I came to Coatesville to positively impact an entire district and not just some of it. Given the district’s size, I certainly hope to be able to do so. This is a very proud community that wants its students to excel both in the classroom and in the many activities available to them. The issues that impact CASD are not different from any large urban district and as I progressed through the interview process it was clear to me that Board of Directors understood this and truly want to see CASD progress. 


What about our city surprised you? 

It’s too early to tell. However, I look forward to becoming more involved in the city by meeting its residents and becoming more familiar with the surrounding communities. Check back in a few months!


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