
Thursday, August 13, 2020

School Board Committee Meeting Recap - August 11th


Virtual Meeting through Live Stream

August 11, 2020 - 6:00 PM

CASD School Board committees are designed to divide the labor of the board into manageable categories.  As such, board members are better prepared for full board meetings. This ultimately improves the quality of board decision making.

The CASD School Board announced on the CASD website that they would be transitioning to Board Docs starting in August to conduct its business in a more streamlined and efficient manner.

Education Committee Agenda




A.  Permission for Research - Brittany Severino: That the Board of School Directors grant permission for Brittany Severino to survey High School Special Education Teachers as part of her doctoral program research, as presented.

3-0 passed

D. Practicum Student Placements: That the Board of School Directors approve the placement of 16 Reading Practicum students from West Chester University with CASD elementary teachers, as presented.

3-0 passed 

F.  Number Worlds - Assessment and Learning System - That the Board of School Directors approve the proposal from McGraw-Hill to purchase a subscription to Number Worlds assessment and learning system as presented. (Enclosure)


3-0 passed


Student Enrollment (Enclosure—CASD) (Enclosure—Charter) 

COMMENT: Darian Smith offered to answer any questions. None asked.




Finance Committee Agenda

Rob Fisher stepped in for Tom Keech, who was absent.




C. Levin Legal Group, P.C. - Solicitor Services: That the Board of School Directors approve the firm Levin Legal Group, P.C. to represent the Coatesville Area School District, as presented.


Rob Fisher asked Andy Finkbohner to talk about the interview process that led the District to continue with the use of the Levin Group. 

Finkbohner explained that the District did an RFP for legal services and determined what would be the best partnership for the District. The Finance committee felt that the partnership with Levin Group was in the best interest of the District moving forward. 

Mills added that they talked to a lot of groups and felt that Levin Group was the best solution, 

Finkbohner feels very confident that the process was thorough and intense in the efforts. 

Passed 3-0

D. Assistant Director of Pupil Services: Special Education: That the Board of School Directors approve the job description for the Assistant Director of Pupil Services: Special Education, as presented. (Enclosure)


Fisher made the recommendation to not move to a vote as the job description needs more discussion by the board. 

Mills and Finkbohner agreed.

 Vote to table 3-0

E. Director of Educational Service:  That the Board of School Directors approve the revised job description for the Director of Educational Services, as presented.  (Enclosure)


Fisher stated that this is a trickle-down effect and recommended to table this item as well. 

Vote to table 3-0

F. Director of Pupil Services: That the Board of School Directors approve the revised job description for the Director of Pupil Services, as presented. (Enclosure)


As above, vote to table as well.

Tabled 3-0

G. Renewal of Extra Duty Positions: That the Board of School Directors approve the appointment of the following individuals to the Extra Duty positions stated, subject to their execution of the contract form used by the District for that purpose and subject to the total compensation being prorated in the event that any portion of the work is canceled or not performed due to COVID-19.  (Enclosure)

Passed 3-0

H. Chester County Intermediate Unit - Brandywine Virtual Academy Contract: That the Board of School Directors approve the 2020-2021 contract agreement with the Chester County Intermediate Unit for online courses through Brandywine Virtual Academy for an estimated 225 students at a cost of $683 per one-credit course, as presented. (NO Enclosure)


Passed 3-0

I.  Gallup, Inc. - Strengths-Based Development Learning:  That the Board of School Directors approve the contract with Gallup, Inc. to provide strengths-based development learning projects for a total cost of $5,500, which includes the Gallup CliftonStrengths Access Annual Subscription, CliftonStrengths Assessments, and Getting Started with CliftonStrengths Webinar, as presented.  (NO Enclosure)


Fisher asked for Tomás Hanna to weigh in.

Hanna explained that this is an opportunity to look at the strengths of our leaders. The activity will help to tailor the professional development/ learning opportunities needed in the future. The strengths identified will help us determine how to address our findings in future surveys moving forward. This also allows us as an organization to identify any gaps that we need to fill.

He explained that we were looking to use Title funding if that not available monies from the general fund. He consulted with Lori Diefenderfer, who stated that it will come out of the superintendence budget for surveys. 

Finkbohner added that his employer has used Gallop and endorsed its quality and usefulness as a tool. 

Fisher added the importance of aligning our professional development with our needs.

Passed 3-0

J. Donation from Dicks Sporting Goods to Boys Lacrosse Program - That the Board of School Directors approve the donation from Dicks Sporting Goods Foundation to CASD Boys Lacrosse Program, as presented.


Fisher thanked Dicks Sporting Goods and more importantly thanked the boosters for their efforts and contributions that make our sports programs. 

Hanna added that he wanted to thank all of the PTO/PTAs who he met with last week for their support and how he is looking forward to meeting with the Boosters next week. He also acknowledged that we can’t accomplish what we do alone. 

L. Donation from Thorndale Cleaners to Caln Elementary School - That the Board of School Directors approve the donation of 260 masks from Thorndale Cleaners to Caln Elementary School, as presented.

Finkbohner: He expressed that it warms his heart to see all of the partnerships with the local businesses.

M. Donations for Senior Awards - That the Board of School Directors approve the Senior Award donations received from the community for the Class of 2020, as presented.

Fisher again expressed huge appreciation and thanks to those who donate and support our students. 

Finkbohner asked what the process is for the community to donate to the class of 2021. Fisher stated that people should reach out and call Mrs. Snyder, principal of the senior high school and she’ll be able to lead them in the right direction. 

Hanna stated that we would follow up with that to make it easily accessible so the community knows the process.


Dawn Barringer - She is writing regarding the assistant director of pupil services and director of pupil services. After reflection of May and June meetings, she recalled comments made by the interim superintendent and a board member. She remembered many were in opposition to the changes. 

She reminded us that the interim superintendent stated if we didn’t eliminate the position, we would have additional furloughs. She shared her relief in the recreation of a position to oversee special education in the district but is concerned about what this does to an approved budget. She requested the salaries for those positions using the Act 93 guidelines. 

She also shared that part of the job description is within a contract with the CCIU. She questioned what cuts will need to be made to keep the balance to budget.

 Board Comments:
Fisher stated that her points were well taken and are reasons why they [Board] need to discuss positions further.
Becky Harlan questioned how to change the Board Docs to reflect the actual tabling of the positions. She stated that Board Docs currently shows that the Items were approved as presented. Defenderfer stated that she’s taking notes and it will reflect that change.


Operations Committee Agenda





B. Memorandum of Understanding for Use of Chester County Firing Range: That the Board of School Directors approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Chester County to establish the terms and conditions for use of the Law Enforcement Firing Range located at 137 Modena Road, Coatesville, as presented. (NO Enclosure)

Passed 3-0




Policy Committee Agenda





A. Cellular Telephones (Policy)


Hanna spoke to the first read of the cell phone policy that applies to selected staff who have the ability to text using district phones. Administrative regulations are included, which are the guidelines to ensure the policy is implemented.

B. Policy 332 Working Periods 

Hanna explained that this is also an AR (Administrative Regulation) that puts perimeters and expectations for employees who are teleworking from home. It also shows our employees that we believe that they can work from an alternative location [home].

C. Social Media Policy (no enclosure) 

Hanna relayed the district is working with the solicitor to define the perimeters for social media usage. 

D. Work Moving Forward 

Hanna wanted to share that we are revisiting policies from the 000 to make sure that they align with the vision of the school district. A number will be engaging in training with the PSBA (Pennsylvania School Board Association) and it is important that our policies are not just based on whims but that we have policies that adhere to PSBA.






C. Assistant Director of Pupil Services: Special Education: That the Board of School Directors approve the job description for the Assistant Director of Pupil Services: Special Education, as presented. (Enclosure) 


D. Director of Educational Service:  That the Board of School Directors approve the revised job description for the Director of Educational Services, as presented.  (Enclosure) 


E. Director of Pupil Services: That the Board of School Directors approve the revised job description for the Director of Pupil Services, as presented. (Enclosure) 

Deletion vote: approved 8-0 (Tom Keech was absent)


Laurie Shannon Bailey  - She questioned if the board intends to replace the vacancy of an 11th-grade guidance counselor. 
She also commented that she shared her concern with the region one board member regarding the 2018-2019 Safe Schools Report numbers regarding Rainbow’s Black/African American out of school suspensions versus the number of remedial options. She questioned how many support staff members are available at each building. She asked for the district's plan to support the 15% category who did not receive FAPE (Free and appropriate public education) with the closing of schools in March. 
She inquired about the number of reading specialists in each Building and if the board plans to address the passing grade of a “D” in order to raise the bar for academic expectations. Further, she wanted to know if the School Board will approve a creation of a special education task force in order to educate parents and will the board consider returning to the prior procedure for accessing school board documents and agendas. She believes this would allow better communication and transparency to all stakeholders, especially those who have more limited technology skills and access.

Jen Manthey (as a member of the 2019-2020 TTF (Technology Task Force) requested that the broken laptops are submitted for repair as the insurance policy ends September 4. Also, with the slowdown based on COVID, we might experience a delay, and it’s likely need the Chromebooks for upcoming distribution. 

Fisher asked Hanna if the administration could address those concerns in a timely manner.



A. Financial Statements:  That the Board of School Directors approve the enclosed financial statements/bills payable list as presented. (Enclosure)

Passed               Failed                   Vote: 8-0

B. Levin Legal Group, P.C. - Solicitor Services: That the Board of School Directors approve the firm Levin Legal Group, P.C. to represent the Coatesville Area School District, as presented.  (NO Enclosure)

Passed               Failed                   Vote: 8-0


Finkbohner responded to the request for a special education task force. Something brought to his attention a couple of months ago is that in New York’s Capital District a task force was created comprised of over 200 stakeholders. He believes creating a Special Education Task Force would be beneficial as we work to improve our special education services and thanked Ms. Shannon-Bailey for bringing that up. 

Fisher agreed and thinks it is something of value to consider for our district.

Hanna expressed that he had the opportunity to meet with some community folks  including Miss Shannon Bailey. The types of issues she raised match some of our implementation issues. He looks forward to working with the team to determine how to engage in it. He declared that it’s messy and it’s hard work, and he welcomes the opportunity to engage in it. 

Assetto was excited to share that he was in communication with Kathleen Hood, a former principal of Benner Elementary, who is now part of the board of Chester County Historic Preservation Trust. They are very interested in finding grants for our campus classes in historic preservation. These classes are very important authentic STEAM classes. 

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