
Monday, May 1, 2023

Holly Charest-CASD Region 1

Website/ social media handle: Holly Charest-CASD Region 1 | Facebook

Why are you running for a seat on the CASD School Board? 
I am running to be elected to the school board because I want to continue collaborating with the new Superintendent of Schools in putting forth policies and programs intended to focus on helping all our students succeed. 

What experience and/or background will assist you in being a successful school board member?

I have worked in education, as well as educational and behavior support for 18 years. I am currently working in public health as part of a national non-profit organization, while attending graduate school to obtain my Master of Social Work. I was appointed to my current school board position back in December of 2021 and have made a committed effort to fulfill my duties to the residents of Region 1.

What involvement have you had in CASD schools or our community?

I served as a Girl Scout Troop Leader for Troop 4223 of the Greater Coatesville Service Unit for 6 years. I also participated in Coatesville Boys Soccer Booster Club and the Coatesville Parents Music Club. I have judged the school science fair at Rainbow Elementary School 2 years in a row. I have also attended sports, music and Drama Club events and try to get to community events as my schedule permits me. I currently am a member of the Coatesville Rainwater Revival Committee.

What do you believe are the top two or three issues CASD is currently facing?

1.) Aging buildings and Infrastructure
2.) Improving our special education department
3.) Implementing sound trauma informed practices

Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve?  If elected, what will you prioritize?

Implementing a code of conduct/discipline matrix that utilizes trauma informed and restorative practices. When students violate the code of conduct, there should be a documentation of restorative practices attempts listed so that one can see the efforts made to resolve the inappropriate behavior of a student, while doing all that is needed to continue the student’s education.  Proper documentation of restorative practices can make citing behavioral “red flags” easier and therefore, can move forward to earlier intervention of student behaviors rather than sitting on it until the student is recommended for expulsion. Discipline matrixes and codes of conduct MUST be adapted to support a restorative practice template. Restorative practices and student inclusion would be two areas on which I would focus.

What role do you believe the community should play in our schools?

Community members are absolutely essential to our schools. As a school board director, I am the elected representative of the stakeholders and taxpayers in my region, but I make a stronger impact when our community members also participate. I feel that the relationship between a community and its schools is symbiotic - one cannot thrive unless it has the other. The maintenance of this symbiosis is vital to the survival of both the school district and the community it supports.

Is there anything else you would like to share with voters?

Anything that I vote on is based on my decision, not based on others influence or “going along with the crowd.” The matters presented at public meetings are important: I will ask questions, I will challenge items with further discussion, and I will vote based on my own thoughts, feelings and opinions. 


  1. Question? Shouldn't you vote on issues based on what's best for the school not your "feelings and opinions"?

  2. I do vote for what’s best for the school district. I will be happy to elaborate further if you like. Whom shall email about it?
